June Darby is a supporting character in Transformers: Prime. She is a nurse, Jack Darby's mother, Mr. Darby's ex-wife and William Fowler's love interest. June finds out about her son's association with the Autobots and becomes helpful when Ratchet couldn't attend to human injuries Raf had endured.
According to the series' creator, she and Fowler likely ended up together sometime after the series ended.
June Darby is one of the most caring and loving mothers in the franchise. Due to being abandoned by her husband, June has grown overprotective of Jack, her only son and the one she had to raise by herself. She wants to live as normal as possible, which is hard to do when her son is friends with a group of advanced alien robots. She learned to trust the Autobots, enough to tell Arcee about her husband's abandonment, and helping Ratchet heal Raf when he was postponed by Dark Energon. June has also come to regard Raf and Miko as her own and treating them as if they were her own children as well. When the war between the Autobots and Decepticons was getting out of hand especially after Rafael was injured by Megatron, she wanted to take her son, Raf, and Miko despite the fact that the world was spinning out of control. However Miko and Jack refused to leave and wanted to help fight, mostly due to the children's strong bond with the Autobots. Instead, June took Raf to the hospital because the Autobots were not equipped with taking care of human. However, she and Jack later reconciled though she jokingly grounded him until he was 30 before changing it to 25. She
Mr. Darby (Ex-Husband)[]
June Darby had a relationship in the past with Jack's father, who was her husband. At some point, the man abandoned her and Jack. She describes that her marriage was more of a "saga," if anything else, when talking with William Fowler. Since their divorce, she rarely mentions him by name and has grief accustomed to it being just her and Jack. It caused June to be overprotective of Jackson in fear of losing him like she did her ex-husband. Instead, she turns her romantic attraction to Special Agent William Fowler.
William Fowler[]
June may have developed romantic feelings for Agent Fowler. She is also the only one to apparently call him "Bill" and openly showed interest in Fowler, which causes Jack to grimace. When the earthquake passed, the humans and Ratchet were overjoyed when they discovered that Prime and his team were alive. Agent Fowler awkwardly hugged June through the excitement but quickly removed themselves. It is likely they got together sometime after the series.