Heroes and Villains Wiki

Jonathan Kent is a supporting character in the Superman comics. He is from the rural community of Smallville, where he lived with his wife Martha and their adopted son, Clark Kent.

Jonathan Kent usually passes from a heartattack, but is alive and well in the New 52 rebirth.


Most authors portray Jonathan and Martha as caring parents who instill Clark with morals and compassion. 

In the story "Pre-Crisis," the Kents die shortly after Clark's high school graduation. In post-crisis continuity, they both remain alive even after Clark becomes an adult, being supporting characters. In this timeline, Jonathan is killed during an attack by the supervillain Brainiac or passes away due to a heart attack (like Superman, Smallville, and Superman & Lois.

In "The New 52" continuity reboot, the Kents were both killed by a drunk driver. Dr. Manhattan of the Watchmen universe created this accident to see how Clark would fare as Superman without his parents' influences.

Jonathan and Martha were later brought back to life in 2019, in the aftermath of the "DC Rebirth" relaunch. Jonathan adopted Superboy as his son and Supergirl as his niece.
