- “You were a doctor who went to war. You're a man who couldn't stay in the suburbs for more than a month without storming a crack den, beating up a junkie. Your best friend is a sociopath, who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high. That's me, by the way, hello.[...] You are abnormally attracted to dangerous situations and people, so is it truly such a surprise that the woman you fall in love with conforms to that pattern?”
- ―Sherlock Holmes to John Watson
Doctor John Hamish Watson is the deuteragonist of the crime drama BBC series, Sherlock. He is the best friend of the show's titular character, Sherlock Holmes, the younger brother of Harry Watson, the father of Rosamund "Rosie" Watson and the widower of Mary Morstan-Watson.
John is portrayed by Martin Freeman, who also portraysBilbo Baggins from The Hobbit trilogy and Everett Ross in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Official Description[]
Previously an army doctor, shattered by service in Afghanistan, John Watson discovered a new lease of life when he met Sherlock Holmes. Although often infuriated by Sherlock's cold, detached manner, he also sees his flatmate as his best friend.
BBC description
John is a highly respectable man and is also a very good friend and protective of those he cares for. He initially has a strained relationship with Sherlock, and often finds some of his habits annoying. John hated being lied too, especially learning when Sherlock was alive without a word for the past two years. Unlike Sherlock, John's usually more laid-back.
Being an ex-army doctor, he used to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. However, according to both Mycroft, John enjoys danger and sees the battlefield whenever he goes out on cases with Sherlock. Sherlock even mentions that John is subconsciously drawn to dangerous people. This is true, as his best friend is a sociopath who solves cases and his wife is a trained assassin.
Series 1[]
"A Study in Pink"[]
"The Blind Baker"[]
"The Great Game"[]
Series 2[]
A Scandal in Belgravia[]
The Hounds of the Baskerville[]
The Reichanbach Fall[]
Series 3[]
"The Empty Hearse"[]
"The Sign of Three"[]
"His Last Vow"[]
Series 4[]
"The Six Thatchers"[]
"The Lying Detective[]
in the aftermath, John tells Sherlock that he wasn't responsible for Mary's death, as it was her choice to take the bullet for Sherlock. At the end of the episode, John, during his last session, learns his therapist is actually Eurus Holmes, Sherlock's younger sister and that she was the woman on the bus with whom he had an affair with. Eurus gave a non-lethal shot, which was really a bullet that knocked John out.
"The Final Problem"[]
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