Heroes and Villains Wiki

John Grayson is a supporting character in DC the Batman franchise. He is the husband of Mary Grayson and the biological father of Melinda Zucco and Dick Grayson, who was adopted by Bruce Wayne and became known as the vigilante Robin, then Nightwing. Their trapeze was sabotaged by Tony Zucco in revenge against Haly's circus for refusing to pay protection money for them, leading them to fall to their deaths in front of a crowd and their eight-year-old son.

It is recently revealed that it was personal and Zucco sabotaged the Graysons' trapeze out of revenge against John for fathering a child with his ex-wife.

Robins: zDick Grayson/Robin I/Nightwing, Jason Todd/Robin II/Red Hood, Tim Drake/Robin III/Red Robin, Stephanie Brown/Spoiler/Robin IV/Batgirl III, Damian Wayne/Robin V

Alternate: Carrie Kelley/Robin III/Catgirl/Batgirl II/Batwoman, Duke Thomas/Robin/Lark/The Signal, Bruce Wayne Jr./Robin

Allies: StarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgDonna TroyCassie Sandsmark • Batgirl (Barbara Gordon/BatgirlCassandra Cain/Orphan) • BatwomanHawkfireClark Kent/SupermanDiana of Themyscira/Wonder WomanMary GraysonJohn GraysonJack DrakeJanet DrakeRenee MontoyaDuke Thomas/SignalHarleen Quinzel/Harley QuinnDinah Drake/Black CanaryBirds of Prey

2003 Animated Series: RobinStarfireRavenBeast BoyCyborgTerraBatman

Titans: Dick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingJason Todd/Robin II/Red HoodTim Drake/Robin IIIBruce Wayne/BatmanBarbara Gordon/Batgirl/Commissioner GordonKoriand'r/Starfire/Kory AndersRachel Roth/RavenGar Logan/Beast BoyDonna Troy/Wonder Girl

DC Animated Movie Universe: Damian Wayne/Robin IIDick Grayson/Robin I/NightwingBruce Wayne/Batman, Kate Kane/BatwomanLuke Fox/BatwingRachel Roth/RavenKoriand'r/Starfire • Alfred Pennyworth • Batman Family • Teen Titans (Beast BoyCyborgSuperboyBlue Beetle) • Justice League

Comics: AnarkyBaneBatman (Frank Miller)Black MaskBlackfireBrunoBrutaleCaptain BoomerangCluemasterCondiment KingCopperheadCypherDavid CainDeathstrokeElectrocutionerFlamingoFlatlineGearheadGeneralGentleman GhostHatchetHellgrammiteJokerKGBeastKiller CrocKiller MothKing SnakeLady ShivaLeague of AssassinsLock-UpMad HatterMammoth • [[Maxie Zeus]] • Mister FreezeMister ZsaszNeronNew JokerNKVDemonPenguinRa's al GhulRancorRatcatcherRiddlerScarabShrikeSteeljacketTalia al GhulTony ZuccoToymanTricksterTwo-FaceVentriloquistWarpMara al Ghul

Batman & Robin: Poison IvyMr. FreezeBaneSnowy Cones ThugsGolumsJason Woodrue
Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha VanaverTalonOwls Lieutenant • & Talon Warriors) • Dollmaker

Teen Titans: TrigonSlade

Titans: Slade Wilson/DeathstrokeJonathan Crane/Scarecrow

Bludhaven, Gotham (Batcave, Wayne Enterprises, Wayne Manor
Gotham City Police Department (DC), Wayne Family, Wayne Enterprises, Teen Titans, Justice League, Court of Owls
Batman Suits, Robin Suits