John Diggle is a minor character in the television series Superman & Lois. He is a close family friend of the Kent family after working together with Earth-TUD25 and Superman.
After the death of Oliver, John retired from vigilantism and joined ARGUS.
He later informed John Henry of his doppelgänger's death and his murder at the hands of Bruno Mannheim, leader of the Intergang
He is portrayed by David Ramsey Who also portrays his Earth Prime counterpart.
Smallville Citizens:Sarah Cushing, Kyle Cushing, Sophie Cushing, Sean Smith, Timmy Ryan, Tag Harris, Tegan Wichem, Candice Pergande, George Dean Metropolis: Perry White, Ron Troupe, Dabney Donovan, Oliver, John Diggle, Jimmy Cutter
Criminals: Intergang (Thaddeus Killgrave, Bruno Mannheim, Onomatopeia), Inverse Society (Ally Allston, Lucy Lane), Atom-Man, Nuclear Man U.S. Military: General Hardcastle, Mitch Anderson, Reno Rosetti, Jason Trask, Supermen of America John Henry Irons' Earth:Kal-El/Superman, General Sam Lane, Lois Lane, Tal-Rho Bizarro World: Kal-El, Ally Allston, Lois Lane, Jonathan-El, Jordan-El, Lana-Rho, Bizarro Tal-Rho Kryptonians:Leslie Larr, The Eradicator, Zeta-Rho, General Zod Earth-38:Clark Kent/Superman! (Earth-38), Lois Lane