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Jinx was a Twi'lek Jedi Youngling in the Jedi Order and a character in the Season 3 finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Jinx was a Twi'lek male Jedi Initiate from the planet Ryloth. During his Jedi training, he and two other Jedi younglings—Kalifa and O-Mer—went on a mission that saw them captured by hunters and taken to the Trandoshan moon Wasskah to be hunted for sport. However, the trio evaded their captors by hiding on an island located on the moon's surface, establishing a hideout inside a hollow tree. After Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was also abducted and dropped off on the island around 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars, her aggressive stance and urging to engage the hunters boosted the confidence of both Jinx and O-Mer, and they decided to seek out the hunters' base. With the help of Tano, the team engaged the hunters, freeing the captive Wookiee Chewbacca, and eventually assaulting the Trandoshan floating fortress. There, Jinx engaged the Trandoshans on an external landing pad but was soon cornered along with his companions. Eventually, however, Jinx and the others were saved by a Wookiee rescue team led by General Tarfful, who killed the remaining hunters.


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Main: Anakin SkywalkerAhsoka TanoObi-Wan KenobiClone TroopersAsajj VentressSheev PalpatineCount DookuGeneral GrievousYoda

font color="yellow" Jedi: Sora BulqCaleb DumeDepa BillabaKalifaJinxO-Mer • The Gathering Younglings (PetroKatooniGanodiZattByphGungi) • Mace WinduPlo KoonKit FistoKi-Adi-MundiSaesee TiinEeth KothAdi GalliaShaak TiSifo-DyasEven PiellAgen KolarOppo RancisisLuminara UnduliQuinlan VosAayla SecuraJocasta NuCin DralligTera SinubeKy NarecQui-Gon Jinn

Fallen Jedi: Pong KrellBarriss Offee

Clone Troopers: RexCodyGregorWaxerBoilWolffeClone Force 99 (HunterWreckerCrosshairTech) • EchoFivesJesse

Galactic Republic: Jar Jar BinksOnaconda FarrLolo PursMeena TillsRiyo ChuchiMee DeechiHalle BurtoniGalactic Senate (Bail OrganaPadmé AmidalaOnaconda FarrLolo Purs

Rebel Alliance: ChewbaccaMon MothmaGial AckbarSaw Gerrera

Galactic Empire: Mas AmeddaOrn Free TaaWulff YularenGrand Moff Tarkin

Separatists: TrenchRiff TamsonNute GunrayPoggle the LesserWat TamborMina BonteriR3-S6Osi Sobeck

Mercenaries: MaulBoba FettAurra SingGreedoBosskDengarCad BaneEmboSugiCato ParasittiRako HardeenMoralo EvalDerrown • • Black Sun (Gha Nachkt]] • The Hutt Clan (Jabba the HuttGorga Desilijic AarrpoZiro the HuttMama) • Hondo OhnakaGwarm

Coruscant: Tanivos "Tan" DivoLetta TurmondTrace MartezRafa MartezIone MarcyBannamu

Inner Rim: Ramsis DendupSanjay RashLux BonteriSteela Gerrera

Other: JuliaFatherDaughterSonLee-CharNossor RiKarina the GreatShmi Skywalker LarsSavage OpressFeralViscusTalzinTaliaSatine KryzeBo-Katan KryzeKorkie KryzeAlmecAmisSonieeLagosPre VizslaCham SyndullaGobi GlieNumaThi-SenChi ChoChi Eekway PapanoidaChe Amanwe PapanoidaIon Papanoida Miraj ScintelAmit Noloff

The Bad Batch: OmegaEleni Syndulla

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Jedi: Luke Skywalker</fontv>Anakin SkywalkerObi-Wan KenobiMaster YodaMaster Mace WinduQui-Gon JinnMaster Shaak TiJocasta NuCin DralligKit FistoAhsoka TanoMaster Depa BillabaMaster Luminara UnduliAayla SecuraMaster Plo KoonSaesee TiinEeth KothOppo RancisisKatooniPetroGanodiGungiByphHuyangZattEzra BridgerKanan JarrusReyF

Sith/Dark Jedi: Darth VaderPalpatine/Darth SidiousMaulCount DookuAsajj VentressBarriss OffeeKylo RenThe Grand InquisitorFifth BrotherSixth BrotherSeventh SisterEighth Brother
Clones/Stormtroopers: Clone TroopersRexWolffeHunterCrosshairTechWreckerJesseEchoFivesGregorCodyStormtroopersScout TroopersDeath TroopersFirst Order StormtroopersShoretroopersJumptroopersPyreCaptain Phasma

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