Heroes and Villains Wiki

You never forget kids like Emily, or Andy. But they forget you.
―Jessie to Woody

Jessie (also known as Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl) is the tritagonist of the Disney/Pixar animated fantasy Toy Story franchise.

She is a vintage pull string cowgirl toy from the 1950s. She is the best friend of Bullseye, and a former member/best friend of Woody and his Roundup Gang who originally belonged to Emily. However, she later belonged to Andy and then, Bonnie Anderson.



At first, Jessie only intends to be a collectible and dislikes the fact that Woody has an owner, Andy, and a space toy friend, Buzz, but when the cowboy and space ranger rescue Jessie from the plane bound for Japan, she accepts her true purpose: to be played with.

Over the years, Jessie continues to recognize her true purpose, but when she comes to the realization that Andy has grown up, Jessie assumes that she might be abandoned once again and doesn’t hesitate to convince the others to donate themselves to Sunnyside Daycare, which she later regrets. Eventually, she and her friends would be donated to Bonnie Anderson, and would become her new favorite toy.

When Woody reunites and departs with Bo Peep, Jessie becomes one of the two leaders of Bonnie's toys (the other being Dolly) and is given his sheriffs badge as a symbol of her leadership, while also honoring Woody's former position and memory.

Physical appearance[]

She wars a yellow ribbon that tied to the bottom of her ponytailed hair, white long-sleeved western-style shirt with both yellow blouse and cuffs that have red doodles.

She also wears blue jeans, a pair of white chaps with cow spots all over, brown "plastic" boots, matching "plastic" belt with gold "plastic" buckle, crimson "plastic" cowgirl hat, voice box attached to a pull string on her back with a white loop attached to it

At the end of the fourth movie, she is given a sheriff badge to show her leadership over the toys.
