Heroes and Villains Wiki
This article contains information from Jesse Wells on the Arrowverse Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors) Fandom is supported by CC-BY-SA

Jesse Wells is a character of The Flash. Throughout the first half of Season 2, she is a prisoner of Zoom, a dangerous Speedster and serial killer from Earth-2. She later gets struck with anti-matter, making her become the metahuman speedster Jesse Quick (a nickname coined by her father).

When Jay Garrick became a prisoner of the Speed Force, she left for Earth-3, becoming that Earth's Flash until Savitar was defeated.

By Season 4, she was leading her own team, which included her father, but she kicked him off and he later went to help their friends on Earth-1.


Jesse Wells is a very kind and loving person. She used to get along great and was proud of her father's success until she found out the truth about the meta-humans and her father's involvement with them (she forgave him). Jesse also has this adventurous side that just wants to have fun and let go of all the problems. She's also very brave as she went to fight Savitar all alone, but this also counts as recklessness which may lead to her opponents catching her off-guard as seen when she first confronted Top. She has often shown stubbornness, going so far as to knock out H.R. Wells when he repeatedly expressed concern for her going after Savitar. Jesse does not like her father getting in the way of what she wants; she does not like when he interferes with her love life. Despite these traits, she still loves him.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Speed Force connection/Meta-human physiology: Months after being hit by the second dark matter explosion which her father created, Jesse's DNA and physiology was altered, supercharging her cells and giving her access to the Speed Force. This augmentation enables her to properly use her powers.
    • Electrokinesis: Jesse is able to generate yellow electricity from her body; when moving fast enough. Seemingly learned from Barry, Jesse is also able to channel that build-up of energy and hurl it as lightning bolts.
    • Superhuman perception: While training with Barry, Jesse learned to take advantage of mental speed as much as her physical. Learning from experience that she was constantly read and adapt to the situation, Jesse is able to use her heightened thought processing to instantly react to incoming danger.
    • Superhuman durability: While not invulnerable, Jesse's body has become highly resilient, allowing her to survive without injury when she tripped and tumbled uncontrollably across the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator during training. After being beaten down by super-strong gorillas from Gorilla City, she was quickly able to return to her feet.
    • Superhuman speed: While only having her powers for a short time, Jesse is able to move well over Mach 2 in speed. With her constant motion, she is even able to run up and across vertical surfaces for long durations. Wally described her as being "almost as fast as Barry", who could move at over Mach 13 at that point.
      • Aerokinesis: By continuously running in a figure-eight fashion, Jesse was able to create wind funnel able to cushion a tank from crushing Central City Hospital
      • Interdimensional travel: By moving fast enough, Jesse can create a dimensional breach, enabling her to propel herself and others she brings with her through the anomaly to traverse to parallel dimensions. This notably allowed her to bring herself and her father to S.T.A.R. Labs speed cannon room on Earth-1 after only recently gaining her powers.
    • Superhuman stamina: Jesse stamina is enhanced as much as her natural speed, allowing her to continue running for prolonged periods of time without fatigue. Her stamina is even greater than that of Jay Garrick's, possibly because of her youth. However, Jessie's speed is not as durable as Barry's, since he was able to stay in Flashtime longer than her.
    • Bodily vibration: Eobard mistook Nora for Jesse when Barry and Nora phased into the Time Vault.


  • Genius-level intellect/Expert scientist: Jesse is constantly noted for her sharp mind. She was able to graduate high school three years early and study five majors in college. Jesse seemed to excel in all her courses at school, allowing the impression that she could miss several classes and still keep up. Even before becoming a speedster, Jesse proved a vital part to Team Flash like her father; very insightful and intuitive, she has an instinctual knack for perceiving the nature of a situation and as quickly best how to handle it. For example, Jesse was able to discern the nature of Griffin Grey's powers. Having learned from Barry Allen after becoming a speedster, Jesse can analyze every inch of an environment.
    • Computer specialist: As a former member of S.T.A.R. Labs, Jesse has some technological skills of note, albeit not her main area of expertise.
  • Skilled hand-to-hand combatant: After being trained by Barry, Jesse gained some rudimentary combat skills. She was able to knock down Rosa Dillon after catching the latter off-guard, and managed to defend herself against Savitar for some time.


  • Jesse is very similar to Thea: both are young women who are treated as younger siblings to the protagonist (Barry acts both as a mentor and older brother figure for Jesse and Thea is Oliver's younger sister). Also, both girls become vigilantes modeled after Oliver and Barry in their third season respectively (Jesse becomes a speedster like Barry and Thea becomes an Archer just like Oliver). Both also take on a superhero alias that used to be their childhood nicknames (Jesse's father Harry called her Jesse quick and be his older brother Oliver used to call her 'Speedy) and begin dating a boy their age who were Barry and Oliver's protégés in the third season before ultimately ending in tragedy (Wally, who Jesse broke up with because of their long distance relationship literally being Worlds apart, and Roy, who abandoned Thea in the night).

Flash Family: The Flash (Barry AllenJay Garrick/The FlashWally West/The FlashAvery Ho), Kid Flash (Wally West, Wallace R. West, Bart Allen, Irey West/Thunderheart, Bar Torr), Jonathan Chambers/Johnny Quick, Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick/The Flash/Liberty Belle, Linda Park-West, Iris West, Jai West/Surge, Jenni Ognats/XS, Boom (Judy Garrick), Negative Flash (Meena Dhawan), Dawn and Don Allen/Tornado Twins, Max MercuryKrakkl, Speed Force
Major Supporting Cast: Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Joan Williams, Jessica Cruz, Animal Girl (Maxine Baker), Commander Cold (Henry), Fuerza (Alexa Antigone), Gold Beetle, Michael Holt/Mr. Terrific, Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway), Steadfast, Justice League (Hal Jordan/Green Lantern, Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Clark Kent/Superman, Diana of Paradise Island/Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne/Batman, Arthur Curry / Aquaman, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Jeven Ognats, Meloni Thawne, Jai West, Captain Darryl Frye, Chester Runk (Chunk), Gregory Wolfe, Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo; Ashley Zolomon, Solovar, Nnamdi, The Three Dimwits, Valerie PerezDavid SinghPatty Spivot, Tina and Jery McGee, Dr. Elias, James Forrest, and Angela Margolin, Walter West (Dark Flash)
Justice League: Legacy: Nora Allen, Jenny and Jason Allen Rogue: Gorilla GroddEobard Thawne/Professor Zoom/Reverse FlashAbra KadabraBlack Flash • Black Racer • Blacksmith • Blue Trinity • Brother Grimm • Captain BoomerangCaptain ColdChillblaineCicada • Clive Yorkin • Cobalt Blue • Colonel Computron • Doctor Alchemy • Double Down • FalloutFast TrackFiddler • Folded Man • Girder • GodspeedGolden GliderGoldfaceGorilla Grodd • Griffin • Heat WaveIcicleInertia • Kilg%re • Kobra • Lady Flash • Lawrence Snart • Last Resort • Magenta • Manfred Mota • Mazdan • Mirror Master (Samuel Scudder, Evan McCulloch) • Mob Rule • Murmur • Papercut • Peek-a-Boo • Plunder • Professor Zoom • Rag Doll • Rainbow Raider • Razer • Renegades • Replicant • RivalRoguesSavitar • Shade • Shrapnel • Speed Demon • Spin • The Suit • Tar Pit • Team Turmoil • President Thawne • Thinker • Thorn • The Top • Trickster • Turbine • Turtle • Vandal SavageWeather WitchWeather WizardZoom


1990: Barry Allen/The Flash, Tina McGee, Julio Mendez, Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Jay Allen, Shawn Allen, Pike, The Ghost, Deadly Nightshade, Mirror Master, Captain Cold, Omega, Trickster, Megan Lockhart/Prank I, Zoey Clark/Prank II, Pollux, Fosnight

Smallville: Bart Allen/Impulse

Arrowverse: Team Flash (Barry AllenCisco RamonCaitlin Snow, Khione "Frost" Snow/Killer Frost/FrostIris WestJoe WestHarrison Wells (Earth-1/Earth-Prime) • (Harry Wells (Earth-2)Sherloque WellsHarrison Nash Wells) • Jesse Wells/QuickWally WestEddie Thawne/Cobalt BlueRalph DibnyCecile Horton/VirtueJenna M. WestNora West-Allen (XS)Bart Allen/ImpulseMark Blaine/ChillblaineJay Garrick/The Flash, Nora Allen, Henry Allen, Chester P. RunkAllegra Garcia, Joan Williams • Kamilla Hwang, Khione) • Central City Police Department (Kristen KramerDavid Singh ), Monitor, Linda Park, Patty Spivot, Sue Dearbon, Izzy Bowin, Becky Sharpe/Hazard, Earth-2 (Cisco Ramon/Reverb, Hunter Zolomon/Zoom, Linda Park/Doctor Light (Earth-2), Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost (Earth-2)), Rogue Squad (Keith Kenyon/Goldface, Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper, Jaco Birch/The Hotness), Justice League (Sara Lance/White Canary, Kara Danvers, Oliver Queen, Kate Lane/Batwoman, Ryan Wilder/Batwoman, Ryan Choi/Atom, Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning, J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter), Team Arrow, (John Diggle, Mia Queen/Green Arrow, Thea Queen/Speedy, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Rene Ramirez/Wild Dog, Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific, Dinah Drake/Black Canary III), Felicity Smoak, Laurel Lance/Black Canary, Quentin Lance, Laurel Lance (Earth-2)/Black Siren/Black Canary III, A.R.G.U.S. (Lyla Michaels/Harbinger, Tanya Lamden), Superfriends (Mon-El, Nia Nal/Dreamer, Querl Dox/Brainiac 5, Alex Danvers (Earth-38), Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Winn Schott (Earth-38), Jimmy Olsen, Lucy Lane, D.E.O.), Legends (Ray Palmer/Atom, Nate Heywood/Steel, Amaya Jiwe/Vixen, Mick Rory/Heat Wave, Leonard Snart/Captain Cold, Zari Tomaz/Isis, Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl, Carter Hall/Hawkman), Earth-X (Leo Snart/Citizen Cold, Ray Terill/The Ray, Kara-X/Overgirl, Prometheus (Earth-X), Winn Schott (Earth-X), Oliver/Dark Arrow, Siren X, Eobard ThawneGroddDigger Harkness/Captain Boomerang • Roy G. Bivalo/Rainbow Raider • DominatorsMusic MeisterSavitarClifford DeVoeMarlize De VoeAmunet Black • Cicada (Orlin Dwyer, Grace Gibbons) • AMAZOJoss Jackam/Weather WitchJohn Deegan/Doctor DestinyA.M.A.Z.O.August Heart/GodspeedRamsey Rosso/BloodworkEva McCulloch/Mirror MonarchBlack Hole • (Joseph CarverMillie Rawlins/SunshineKimiyo Hoshi/Doctor LightEsperanza Garcia/Ultraviolet) • Cisco Ramon/EchoAnti-MonitorShadow Demons • The Forces, (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Negative Forces (StillStrengthSageSpeed) • Deathstorm (Earth-Prime)Ryan Wilder/Red Death • Rogues (Top, Lisa Snart/Golden Glider, Sam Scudder/Mirror Monarch, Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II • Roy G. Bivalo) • Orlin Dwyer / CicadaJoseph Carver

Central City, Star City, National City, Gotham City, Earths (Earth-Prime, Earth-1, Earth-2, Earth-38, Prime Earth, New Earth), Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force, Negative Forces (Speed Force, Strength Force, Still Force, Sage Force)
Metahumans, Kryptonians
Flash Family, Legion of Zoom, Green Lantern Corps, Team Arrow, Superman Family (Superfriends), Justice League (DC Extended Universe, Arrowverse), Batman Family, S.T.A.R. Labs (Arrowverse), Central City Police Department, the Rogues, Royal Flush Gang, H.I.V.E., A.R.G.U.S., League of Assassins
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend (Arrowverse), More I Cannot Wish For
The Flash suit, Cosmic Treadmill, Gideon, Tachyon prototype, Flash Ring
Main Cast

Main Heroes: Oliver Queen/Green ArrowBarry Allen/The Flash (Earth-1/Earth-PrimeEarth-90) • Sara LanceKara Danvers/SupergirlJefferson Pierce/Black LightningKate Kane/BatwomanRyan Wilder/BatwomanClark Kent/Superman (Earth-38Superman & Lois) • Ray Terrill • Lois Lane (Earth-38Earth-TUD25Earth-TUD22) • Mick RoryLeonard SnartRip Hunter

Main Villains: Malcolm MerlynRa's al GhulDamien DarhkAdrian Chase/PrometheusRicardo Diaz/The DragonEmiko Adachi Queen/Green Arrow IIIEobard ThawneZoomSavitarThe ThinkerOrlin Dwyer/CicadaGrace Gibbons/Cicada II • Bloodwork • Eva McCullochGodspeedDeathstormNonAstra In-ZeRheaLillian LuthorSelenaReign • Lex Luthor (Earth-38/Earth-PrimeEarth-TUD25) • Agent LibertyNyxlygsptlnzMallusNeronLachesisBishopEvil GideonTobias WhaleGravediggerBeth Kane/AliceSafiyah SohailBlack MaskMarquis Jet • the Red DeathCobalt Blue, Gamemanae
John DiggleFelicity SmoakThea QueenLaurel Lance (Earth-1)Quentin LanceMoira QueenEmiko AdachiNyssa al GhulLyla MichaelsCurtis HoltRene Ramirez Dinah DrakeLaurel Lance (Earth-2)Roy HarperRay PalmerSlade WilsonHelena BertinelliMia QueenConnor HawkeWilliam ClaytonZoe RamirezMonitorRuvé AdamsLincoln Machin/Anarky • Anatoly Knyazev • Nora DarhkTalia al GhulEvelyn SharpLeague of AssassinsRicardo Diaz
The Flash
David SinghIris West-AllenCisco RamonCaitlin SnowJoe WestWally WestMartin SteinJesse Chambers WellsHarry WellsJay Garrick/The FlashH.R WellsRalph DibnyNora West-AllenBart AllenHarrison Sherloque WellsLeo SnartKamilla HwangAllegra GarciaChester P. RunkNash WellsMarlize DeVoeKiller Frost • Nature Forces (Speed Force Nora • Deon Owens • Alexa Rivera) • Meena Dhawan • Mark Blaine/ChillblainePied PiperKeith/GoldfaceJack Birch/The Hotness • Ryan Wilder/Red Death • the Rogues (Owen Mercer/Captain Boomerang IIAndrea Wozzock/FiddlerMichelle Amar/Murmur II) • The Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • Negative Forces (Still • Strength • Sage • Speed) • August Heart/Godspeed • Kristen Kramer • David Singh
Alex DanversJames OlsenWinn SchottCat GrantJ'onn J'onnzLena LuthorMaggie SawyerMon-ElM'gann M'orzzQuerl DoxNia NalKelly Olsen, Laura Haley, Samantha Arias, Imra Ardeen, Legion of Super-Heroes, Lar Gand, Hank Henshaw/Cyborg Superman, Rama Khan, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, Indigo, Siobhan Smythe / Silver Banshee, Rhea, Olivia Marsdin, Orlando Davis, Esme, Mitch, Rama Khan, Gamemnae, Alura Zor-El, Astra, Non, Zor-El, Manchester Black
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Ray PalmerJefferson JacksonMartin SteinWally WestJohn ConstantineAva SharpeGary GreenNate HeywoodZari Tomaz/Zari TaraziDamien DarhkNora DarhkAmaya JiweGideonCharlieEsperanza CruzBehrad TaraziVandal Savage
Black Lightning
Jennifer PierceAnissa PierceLynn StewartPeter GambiBill HendersonKhalil Payne/PainkillerGrace ChoiJeremiah HoltKhalil PayneBrandon MarshallTCGardner GrayleErica MoranHassan Shakur
Luke FoxMary HamiltonJacob KaneSophie MooreJulia Pennyworth, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane / AliceRenee MontoyaJada JetCatherine Hamilton-Kane, Vesper Fairchild, Cora Lewis,
Superman & Lois
Jordan Kent/SuperboyJonathan Kent IISam LaneLana LangKyle CushingSarah CushingChrissy BeppoJohn Henry Irons/SteelNatalie Irons/Steel, Mitchell Anderson, Bruno Mannheim, Lana-Rho, Inverse Society, Lex Luthor, Kal-El/Bizarro/Doomsday, Peia Mannheim

Digger Harkness • Rainbow Raider • Laura Washington/CyberwomanAgent SmithDominatorsSusan BraydenOliver Queen/Dark ArrowKara/OvergirlTommy Merlyn/Prometheus XLeo SnartWinn Schott (Earth-X)John DeeganMar Novu/Monitor • Mobius/Anti-Monitor • Shadow Demons • DesperoRyan Choi, Siobhan Smythe/Silver Banshee, Lucy Lane, Leslie Willis/Livewire
Earth-X: John Trujillo/Black Condor • Jenny Knight/Phantom Lady • Red Tornado, Siren X

Alternate Earths

Stargirl: (Earth-2: New Multiverse) Courtney Whitmore/StargirlPat Dugan/S.T.R.I.P.E.Beth Chapel/Doctor Mid-NiteYolanda Montez/WildcatRick Tyler/Hourman
Other Earths: Julio Mendez (Earth-90)Tina McGee (Earth-90)Clark Kent (Earth-167)Lois Lane (Earth-167)Superman (Earth-96)Barry Allen (DCEU)Helena KyleLucifer MorningstarRavenCourtney WhitmoreJason ToddHank Hall/Hawk

Government Agencies: A.R.G.U.S.D.E.O.ASIS

Criminal Fractions: League of Assassins • Bertinelli Crime Family • Legion of DoomProject Cadmus • Supermen of America

Vigilante Teams: Team FlashTeam ArrowBat TeamBlack Lightning's TeamJustice LeagueJustice Society of AmericaCanariesSuperfriendsSuperman FamilyLegion of Super-Heroes

Businesses: Big Belly BurgerCC JittersCatCo Worldwide MediaDaily PlanetLuthor Corps

Earths: Earth-38Earth-9Earth-1Earth-XEarth-2Other Earth's

Locations: KryptonLian Yu

Cities: Argo CityCentral CityNational CityStar CityCoast CityIvy TownGotham City MetropolisMidvaleFreelandSmallville

Cosmic Forces: Speed ForceStill ForceStrength ForceSage Force
Negative Forces: Negative Speed ForceNegative Still ForceNegative Strength ForceSage Force

Police Departments: Gotham City Police DepartmentCentral City Police DepartmentStar City Police Department

Spear of DestinyVigilante suitsGreen Arrow's Bows
Kryptonian • Humans • Meta-humans, Unicorn, Green Martians, White Martians,
Moon River, Put a Little Love in Your Heart, Super Friend, More I Cannot Wish You, Runnin' Home to You