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Jesse Bruce Pinkman is the the overall deuteragonist of the Breaking Bad franchise, serving as the deuteragonist of the crime drama series Breaking Bad, the main protagonist of its 2019 sequel film El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie and a minor character in its prequel/sequel series Better Call Saul.

He is a a small-time crystal meth dealer later blackmailed into becoming the business partner of his former chemistry teacher, Walter White, in manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine.

He was portrayed by Aaron Paul.



Jesse Pinkman is introduced as an impulsive and hedonistic man, but also personable and possessing street-smarts. He talks in playful slang, frequently using words like "yo" and "bitch."  it’s worth noting that Jesse almost never uses the word to describe women. This  is likely because he adores women and even adores children.  It was Drew's death and Walt and Mike working together that made him have a heel realization and made him leave the meth business once and for all.

Jesse is frequently horrified by the brutality of violence, as seen by his serious reaction to killing Gale Boetticher.

Due to Walter's influence, his characterization over the course of the series changes the most. He begins suffering from PTSD from brutal torture of the gang from Jack Welker's compound. After arriving in Alaska, Jesse is shown to be pleased that he is finally free of his past and of his chance to begin anew, leaving all the horrors he has experienced behind him completely. Now dedicated towards starting a new life for himself, Jesse appears to have regained much of his old personality rather than the submissive one he was forced to take on during his captivity but with greater traces of violence.


  • Gender: Male
  • Hair Color: Jesse has brown hair, that is shaven by the film sequel/epilogue.
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Distinguishing Features: He has a scar over his left eye



Powers and Abilities[]

  • Genius level intellect/High non-academic intelligence: TBA
    • Street smarts: TBA
    • Above-average chemistry knowledge: TBA
      • High-purity meth manufacturing: TBA
  • Hand to hand combat: TBA
    • Marksmanship: TBA
  • Business management: TBA
    • Drug distribution: TBA
  • Charisma: TBA
  • Strength: TBA
  • Artistic talent: TBA
  • Creativity:: TBA


I am not turning down the money! I'm turning down you! You get it?! I want nothing to do with you! Ever since I met you, everything I ever cared about is gone! Ruined, turned to shit, dead, ever since I hooked up with the great Heisenberg! I have never been more alone! I have NOTHING! NO ONE! ALRIGHT, IT'S ALL GONE, GET IT? No, no, no, why...why would you get it? What do you even care, as long as you get what you want, right? You don't give a shit about me! You said I was no good. I'm nothing! Why would you want me, huh? You said my meth is inferior, right? Right? Hey! You said my cook was GARBAGE! Hey, screw you, man! Screw you!
―Jesse, in his hospital bed, upsetly yells at Walt.
What happens now? I’ll tell you what happens now. Your scumbag brother-in-law is finished. Done. You understand? I will own him when this is over. Every cent he earns, every cent his wife earns is mine. Any place he goes, anywhere he turns, I’m gonna be there grabbing my share. He’ll be scrubbing toilets in Tijuana for pennies and I’ll be standing over him to get my cut. He’ll see me when he wakes up in the morning and when he crawls to sleep in whatever rat hole is left for him after I shred his house down. I will haunt his crusty ass forever until the day he sticks a gun up his mouth and pulls the trigger just to get me out of his head. That’s what happens next.
―Jesse to Walt about Hank
What good is being an outlaw when you have responsibilities?
―Jesse to Skinny Pete and Badger
Jesse: "Dude, you scared the shit out of me! When you say it's contamination, I mean... I'm thinking like an Ebola leak or something."
Walter: "Ebola."
Jesse: "Yeah, it's a disease on The Discovery Channel where all your intestines sort of just slip out of your butt."
Walter: "Thank you. I know what Ebola is. Now, tell me. What would a West African virus be doing in our lab?"
Jesse: "So you're chasing around a fly and in your world, I'm the idiot.""
―Jesse and Walter about the fly contamination
Clear the contaminant?!" We're making meth here, alright? Not space shuttles!
―Jesse to Walt over his use of the word "contaminant
Yo, Gatorade me, bitch.
―Jesse cleaning the Superlab.
Look, I like making cherry product, but let’s keep it real, alright? We make poison for people who don’t care. We probably have the most unpicky customers in the world.
―Jesse talking to Walt
Group Leader: "We're not here to sit in judgment."
Jesse: "Why not? Why not? Maybe-- Maybe she's right. You know, maybe I should have put it in the paper. Maybe I should have done something different. The thing is, if you just do stuff and nothing happens what's it all mean? What's the point? All right, this whole thing is about self-acceptance. Kicking the hell out of yourself doesn't give meaning to anything. So I should stop judging - and accept?"
Group Leader: "It's a start."
Jesse: "So, no matter what I do, hooray for me because I'm a great guy? It's all good? No matter how many dogs I kill, I just what, do an inventory and accept? I mean, you back your truck over your own kid and you, like, accept? What a load of crap! Hey, Jesse, I know you're in pain. No, y-you know what? Why???"
―Jesse denounces group therapy
I'm here in the first place? Is to sell you meth. You're nothing to me but customers! I made you my bitch! You okay with that? Huh? You accept???
―Jesse denounces himself to the therapy group
I'm the guy your boss brought here to show you how it's done. And if this is how you run your lab, no wonder. You are lucky he hasn't fired your ass. Now, if you don't want that to happen, I suggest you stop whining like a little bitch and do what I say.
―Jesse confronting Benicio Fuentes

