Heroes and Villains Wiki

I want you to know that I'm willing to pay any price. Even if that means turning myself into the police.
―Janet to her son

Janet Stein is one of the central antagonists of the television series Marvel's Runaways. She is one of the central antagonists of the first and second season and one of the anti-heroic deuteragonists of the third season. She was a member of PRIDE, who would often come together to sacrifice teenagers to the Gibborim Jonah.

Janet is the loving mother of Chase Stein who has a complicated relationship with her husband, Victor Stein, who used to abuse her and their son. She tries being supportive of her husband, but finds it difficult due to their past grievences. Like her husband and son, Janet is very intelligent in the field of science. Despite her son and his friends being enemies, she wants him to return home and make amends. She also had an affair with Robert Minoru, after feeling neglected by her husband for years.

While Janet dies in the real world, her subconscious is uploaded into the healing algorithm, chosing to stay behind so Chase and Karolina can escape.


Powers and Abiltiies[]


  • Skilled Scientist: More to be added.



Members: Nico MinoruKarolina DeanChase SteinGertrude YorkesMolly HayesOld Lace • Victor Mancha • Alex Wilder • Leapfrog • Klara Prast • Xavin
Villains: The Pride • Geoffrey Wilder • The Gibborim • Topher • Masters of Evil • Val Rhymin • Skrull • Wrecking Crew • Doctor Doom • Kingpin • Alex Wilder • Doc Justice
Allies: Cloak and Dagger • Excelsior • Young AvengersX-MenSpider-ManAvengers • Daken • Street Arabs • Avengers Academy • Heroine • Doombot • The New Avengers, Power Pack (Alex Power, Katie Power, Julie Power, Jack Power)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Main: Alex Wilder Nico Minoru Karolina Dean Gert Yorkes Chase Stein Molly Hernandez Catherine Wilder Geoffrey Wilder Leslie Dean Frank Dean Janet Stein Victor Stein Stacey Yorkes Dale Yorkes Tina Minoru Robert Minoru

Antagonists: PRIDEMagistrateMagistrate's WifeMagistrate's DaughterMagistrate's SonMorgan le FayBronwyn † • Cassandra Jonah Xavin
Other characters: EiffelDestiny GonzalezVaughn KayeDarius DavisFloresAmy MinoruKincaidGraciela AguirreTamarLivvieMike on a BikeMeganTopherAnthony Wall/AWOLTandy Bowen/Dagger & Tyrone Johnson/Cloak
