Jane Foster
Doctor Nurse (formerly) Member of the Avengers Member of the Secret Avengers (Civil War; formerly) Member of the Valkyrior Member of Thor Corp (formerly; undercover)
The Avengers Congress of Worlds (former) Thor Corps (undercover, formerly)
To help the Avengers defeat otherworldly threats Protect the Earth
Avengers Mountain Baxter building (formerly) Stark Industries New Jersey Airfield
Unnamed parents †
Thor Odinson (ex-boyfriend) Keith Kincaid † (husband)
Jimmy Kincaid (son)
Thor Odinson ,
Doctor Strange ,
Valkyrie , Odin,
Angela , Freya, Balder,
Beta Ray Bill , Heimdall, the
Warriors Three ,
Runa ,
Hercules , Throg, Sif, Night Nurse,
Vision ,
Captain America ,
Spider-Woman , Idun, Hildegard,
Captain Marvel ,
Ant-Man ,
Cassie Lang ,
Black Widow ,
Iron Man ,
Pepper Potts ,
Toni Ho ,
Scarlet Witch ,
Falcon ,
Spider-Man ,
Nadia van Dyne ,
Venom ,
Venom Symbiote ,
Ms. Marvel , Squirrel Girl,
Ms. America ,
Nova ,
Loki Laufeyson ,
Amora ,
Malekith ,
Doctor Doom ,
Cul Borson ,
Mangog , Mister Hyde, Cobra, The Executioner,
The Destroyer Armor , Madame Hydra, Hydra Supreme,
Odin (formerly),
Dark Elves ,
Frost Giants ,
Sylvie Lushton ,
High Evolutionary ,
Knull ,
Absorbing Man ,
Radioactive Man ,
Titania ,
Talos the Untamed ,
Asgard, helping people, technology, Thor, helping those in need, respect
Evil, her things being taken, Thor and her friends in danger, the innocent being harmed, Amora the Enchantress seducing her former lover
Powers and abilities
Nursing Skills Medical TrainingAs a Valkyrie: Asgardian/Valkyrie physiology granting superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, and vision Access to Undrjarn, the shapeshifting weapon Mediumship with the spirits of the dead Mystical teleportation Death perception FlightAs Thor/Thordis Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and speedAbilities via Mjolnir: Dimensional transportation Physical transformation Electric manipulation Weather manipulation Star creation/generation Flight
Mjolnir (formerly)
Becomes Valkyrie after Brunnhilde's demise
Thor Thor: The Dark World Thor: Love and Thunder
Jane Foster is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. She was introduced as a potential love interest for Thor Odinson when he was first banished to Earth. At first, Jane became Thor/Thordis after being proven worthy of wielding Mjølnir, but was slowly dying from cancer. She became Lady Thor one last time to save her friends before succumbing yo get illness.
However, she returned to life during the "War of the Realms" storyline when Brunnhilde and the other Valkyror were killed. Instead, Jane became Valkyrie , succeeding Brunnhilde.
Jane Foster first appeared in Journey into Mystery #84 (September 1962), and was created by plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber and penciler Jack Kirby.
Publication History [ ]
Personality [ ]
Powers and abilities [ ]
As Thor/Thordis
Superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and speed
Abilities via Mjolnir:
Dimensional transportation
Physical transformation
Electric manipulation
Weather manipulation
Star creation/generation
As Valkyrie
Asgardian/Valkyrie physiology granting superhuman strength, stamina, durability, speed, and vision
Access to Undrjarn, the shapeshifting weapon
Mediumship with the spirits of the dead
Mystical teleportation
Death perception
Possessions [ ]
Relationships [ ]
Navigation [ ]
Asgardians: Thor Odinson , Jane Foster , Loki , Odin , Angela , Tyr , Balder, Laussa Odinsdottir , Sif • Valkyrior (Brunnhilde • Rūna ) • Warriors Three (Fandral • Hogun • Volstagg ) • Freya • Frigga • Heimdall • Hugin and Munin • Beta Ray Bill • Kelda • Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson • Kevin Masterson) • Thor Girl • Olympians (Zeus , Athena , Hercules ), Eitri • The Avengers (Uncanny Avengers • Captain America • Hulk • Iron Man • Spider-Man ), the Guardians of the Galaxy , X-Men (Hrimhari • Wolverine ) • Sersi, Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic , Invisible Woman , Franklin Richards ) • Ant-Man , Wasp , Black Widow , Hawkeye , Daredevil , Scarlet Witch , Captain Marvel , Vision , Doctor Strange , Nick Fury , Luke Cage , Rogue , Havok , Deadpool , Blade , Amadeus Cho , Silver Surfer , She-Hulk , Black Panther , Quicksilver , Spider-Woman , Ghost Rider
Enemies: Loki Laufeyson , Surtur , Hela , Malekith the Accursed , Mangog , Ulik the Troll , Amora the Enchantress , Absorbing Man , Thanos , Apocalypse , Doctor Doom , Onslaught , Ego the Living Planet , Fenris Wolf , Celestials , Nebula , Karnilla the Norn Queen , The Destroyer Armor , The Collector , Ragnarok , Radioactive Man , Skurge the Executioner , Mephisto , Blackout , Midgard Serpent, Gorr the God Butcher, Kurse (formerly) , Dark Elves, Frost Giants , The Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer • Piledriver • Thunderball • Wrecker) • Ymir • Ares • Bloodaxe • Cobra • Desak • Enchanters Three • Firelord • Gorr the God Butcher • Grey Gargoyle • Laufey • Lorelei • Man-Beast • Minotaur • Mister Hyde • Mongoose • Ragnarok • Zarrko
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor Odinson • Loki Laufeyson • Odin Borson • Frigga • Valkyrie • Sif • Heimdall • Volstagg • Hogun • Fandral • Hela • Korg • Miek • Surtur • Sakaarans • Sakaaran Rebels • Fenris • Bor Burison • Odin Borson • Tyr • Jane Foster • Darcy Lewis • Ian Boothby • Erik Selvig