Heroes and Villains Wiki

This is a beautiful sword. I would expect the man who made it to show the same care and devotion in every aspect of his life.
―James Norrington to Will Turner

James Norrington is the secondary antagonist in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl and a supporting character in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. He is a military man and reasonable authoritive figure and Elizabeth Swann's ex-fiancé.

In the first film, he transitions from a lieutenant, to a captain to a commodore. However, he was disgraced after failing to capture Jack Sparrow in a storm. In the third film he has become an admiral in the East India Trading Company. Despite letting go of Elizabeth, it's implied he still had romantic feelings for her.

Pirates of the Caribbean[]

The Curse of the Black Pearl[]

Dead Man's Chest[]

At World's End[]



Jack SparrowHector BarbossaJoshamee GibbsWill TurnerElizabeth SwannJames NorringtonDavy JonesPintel and RagettiCutler BeckettIan MercerTia DalmaKrakenWeatherby SwannBootstrap Bill TurnerSao FengCaptain TeagueJack the MonkeyCottonMartyLeechAngelicaBlackbeardPhilip SwiftSyrenaTamaraScrumMarinaMermaidsKing FerdinandKing George IIGiselleScarlettAnamariaRedcoatsBlack BartyJolly RogerPrison DogAuctioneerMungardSpaniardMurtogg and MullroyTheodore GrovesGilletteCaptain SalazarMarquis D'avisMontezumaHenry TurnerCarina SmythScarfieldKoehler
The Crew of the Black PearlThe Crew of the Flying DutchmanEast India Trading CompanyBrethren CourtSpaniard's crewBlackbeard's Zombie Officers