Heroes and Villains Wiki

Ione Marcy was a criminal active during the early days of the Clone Wars and the secondary antagonist of the episode "Lightsaber Lost" (an episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She also appeared to be the girlfriend of Cassilyda Cryar.

link=Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Main: Anakin SkywalkerAhsoka TanoObi-Wan KenobiClone TroopersAsajj VentressSheev PalpatineCount DookuGeneral GrievousYoda

font color="yellow" Jedi: Sora BulqCaleb DumeDepa BillabaKalifaJinxO-Mer • The Gathering Younglings (PetroKatooniGanodiZattByphGungi) • Mace WinduPlo KoonKit FistoKi-Adi-MundiSaesee TiinEeth KothAdi GalliaShaak TiSifo-DyasEven PiellAgen KolarOppo RancisisLuminara UnduliQuinlan VosAayla SecuraJocasta NuCin DralligTera SinubeKy NarecQui-Gon Jinn

Fallen Jedi: Pong KrellBarriss Offee

Clone Troopers: RexCodyGregorWaxerBoilWolffeClone Force 99 (HunterWreckerCrosshairTech) • EchoFivesJesse

Galactic Republic: Jar Jar BinksOnaconda FarrLolo PursMeena TillsRiyo ChuchiMee DeechiHalle BurtoniGalactic Senate (Bail OrganaPadmé AmidalaOnaconda FarrLolo Purs

Rebel Alliance: ChewbaccaMon MothmaGial AckbarSaw Gerrera

Galactic Empire: Mas AmeddaOrn Free TaaWulff YularenGrand Moff Tarkin

Separatists: TrenchRiff TamsonNute GunrayPoggle the LesserWat TamborMina BonteriR3-S6Osi Sobeck

Mercenaries: MaulBoba FettAurra SingGreedoBosskDengarCad BaneEmboSugiCato ParasittiRako HardeenMoralo EvalDerrown • • Black Sun (Gha Nachkt]] • The Hutt Clan (Jabba the HuttGorga Desilijic AarrpoZiro the HuttMama) • Hondo OhnakaGwarm

Coruscant: Tanivos "Tan" DivoLetta TurmondTrace MartezRafa MartezIone MarcyBannamu

Inner Rim: Ramsis DendupSanjay RashLux BonteriSteela Gerrera

Other: JuliaFatherDaughterSonLee-CharNossor RiKarina the GreatShmi Skywalker LarsSavage OpressFeralViscusTalzinTaliaSatine KryzeBo-Katan KryzeKorkie KryzeAlmecAmisSonieeLagosPre VizslaCham SyndullaGobi GlieNumaThi-SenChi ChoChi Eekway PapanoidaChe Amanwe PapanoidaIon Papanoida Miraj ScintelAmit Noloff

The Bad Batch: OmegaEleni Syndulla

Groups and Organizations
Galactic Republic: Galactic SenateSupreme Chancellor's GuardConfederacy of Independent SystemsSithOhnaka Pirate GangSkywalker FamilyBlack SunCorporate AllianceCouncil of Neutral SystemsGalactic RepublicGalactic SenateHouse SerennoPyke SyndicateShadow CollectiveUtapaun CommitteeZygerrian Slave Empire, Hypori
Galactic Republic: C-3POR2-D2HuyangBattle DroidsRusso ICS
AlderaanAnaxesCoruscantDagobahDantooineDathomirFlorrumGeonosisIlumIridoniaKaminoKashyyykMandaloreMustafarNabooRylothTatooineUmbaraYavin 4Zygerria