The House of El was one of the ruling families of Krypton featured in the DC Comics. They are also Kal-El/Clark Kent's and Supergirl/Kara Zor-El's biological paternal family.
New Earth[]
Prime Earth[]
- Allura In-Ze
- Bur-El
- Byma Ruth-Ar
- Don-El
- Dondra Klu-Ta
- Erok
- Fedra Shu-El
- Feln
- Fil-El
- Gam-El
- Hatu-El
- Hyr-El
- Im-El
- Jor-El the First
- Jor-El the Second
- Kal-El (I)
- Kal-El (Superman)
- Kalya Var-El
- Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
- Kru-El
- Lara Lor-Van
- Lili Van-Zee
- Lyle Zee
- Milia
- Nim-El
- Nimda An-Dor
- Nox-El
- Pir-El
- Plen-El
- Pym-El
- Rugad
- Shu-El
- Sorn-El
- Sul-El
- Tala-El
- Thar-El
- Tomnu
- Tro-El
- Val-El
- Vad-El
- Var-El
- Wab-El
- Wedna Kil-Gor
- Wir-El
- Yu-El
- Zim-El
- Zor-El
- Eyra
- Jan-L
New Earth[]
- Kem-L (Supergirl and Superman's ancestor)
- Don-El (Superman and Supergirl's great-grandfather; Earth-One)
- Ter-El (Seyg-El's father and Kara and Clark's great-grandfather)
- Seyg-El
- Jor-El (Don's grandson, Ter's son, Seyg
- Zor-El
- Lara Lor-Van
- Alura In-Ze (Kara's mother, Zor-El's wife)
- Kal-El
- Kara Zor-El
- Lois Lane (Kal-El's wife, Jonathan's mother, Kara's cousin-in-law, Zor-El and Alura's niece-in-law, and Jor-El and Lara's daughter-in-law)
- Jon Kent
- Lor-Zod/Chris Kent / Nightwing
- Ran-L (Superman and Supergirl's ancestor)
- Van-L (Superman and Supergirl's ancestor)
Honorary members of the House of El[]
- Jor-El (Zor-El and Nim-El's brother, Lara's husband, Alura's brother-in-law, and Clark's biological father, Kara's uncle, Lois's father-in-law, Jonathan's biological paternal grandfather, Mon-El's ancestor and Otho and Osul's adoptive grandfather)
- Zor-El (Jor-El and Nim-El's brother, Alura's husband, Kara's biological father, Clark's biological paternal uncle, Jonathan's great uncle, Lois's uncle-in-law, and Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra's adoptive great-uncle)
- Nim-El (Zor-El and Jor-El's brother, Kara and Clark's paternal uncle, Alura and Lara's brother-in-law and Jonathan's great-uncle)
- Kru-El (Jor-El's and Zor-El's cousin and Supergirl and Superman's first cousin once removed)
- Lara Lor-Van (Jor-El's wife, Clark's biological mother, Alura, Zor-El and Nim-El's sister-in-law, Lois's mother-in-law, Jonathan's grandmother, and Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra's adoptive great-uncle)
- Alura In-Ze (Kara's mother, Lara, Jor-El, and Nim-El's sister-in-law, Clark's aunt by marriage, Jonathan's great-aunt, and Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra's adoptive great-aunt)
- Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman
- Kara Zor-El/Linda Lee/Linda Lang/Supergirl (Zor-El and Alura's daughter, Jor-El, Nim-El and Lara's niece, Clark's cousin, Connor's adoptive and genetic cousin, Jonathan's first cousin once removed/aunt figure, Otho and Osul's adoptive first cousin once removed, and Mon-El's distant cousin)
- Mon-El (Clark, and Jonathan's descendant and Kara's distant cousin, honorary member pre-crisis)
- Superboy (Kon-El) (Clark's clone turned adoptive brother, Supergirl's adoptive cousin, Lara and Jor-El's genetic son, and Jon, Otho, and Osul's adoptive uncle)
- Osul-Ra (Otho's twin brother, Clark and Lois' adoptive son, Jonathan's adoptive brother, Jor-El and Lara's adoptive grandson, and Connor's adoptive nephew)
- Otho-Ra (Osul's twin sister, Clark and Lois' adoptive daughter, Jor-El and Lara's adoptive granddaughter, Jonathan's adoptive sister, Cara's adoptive first cousin once removed and Connor's adoptive niece)
- Laraz-El (Mon-El's son, Lane and Connor's brother, and Clark, Lois and Jonathan's descendant)
- Lane-El (Mon-El's daughter, Laraz and Conner's sister, and Clark, Lois and Jonathan's descendant)
- Conner-El (Mon-El's son and Laraz and Lane's brother, and Clark, Louis and Jonathan's descendant)
- Superman X (Legion of Super-Heroes animated continuity)
Alternate Versions[]
- Main article: House of El (Arrowverse)
- Main article: House of El (Smallville)
- Their family name means "Of the stars" in Kryptonian.
- Lois Lane appears to be the only human married into the House of El.
- In addition, She and her adoptive children, Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra both are the only non-Kryptonians to join the house of El.