Heroes and Villains Wiki

Holden Radcliffe is a Marvel Cinematic Universe character from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. He is a transhumanist who believes in the improvement of humanity through enhancement.


Due to his studies of parasites, Fitz and Simmons seek his help with counteracting Hive's abilities, but he is kidnapped by Hive first to help recreate the original Kree experiment that created the Inhumans. After a S.H.I.E.L.D. raid on Hive's base, Radcliffe escapes and agrees to cooperate with Coulson and Talbot. After being acquitted, Holden begins work on transferring his artificial intelligence AIDA to a Life-Model Decoy, an old S.H.I.E.L.D. project.

Radcliffe experiments with Life-Model Decoys and uses the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents May, Coulson, Mack, Mace, Daisy, and Fitz, as well as himself, as subjects. With AIDA working as his assistant, he worked on a project called the Framework, which aimed to transfer peoples' consciousness from their mortal beings into this new reality. It is revealed that he modeled AIDA after his ex-girlfriend, Agnes Kitsworth, who was living with a brain tumor. He sought to relieve her suffering by transferring her consciousness into the Framework. However, he lost control of AIDA, who slashed his wrists and inserted him into the Framework, which was actually an alternate reality ruled by HYDRA. The Framework took away the one major regret of the subject, which ensured the subject would be loyal to the Framework. However after losing Agnes in the Framework as well to AIDA, who called herself Ophelia in there, he began to regret his efforts to force the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into the Framework. He reforms, giving Daisy a backdoor out and and helping Simmons by tricking Fitz, Ophelia's love interest in the Framework, to leave. After Yo-Yo goes into the Framework to save Mack, he assists her in getting out as the Framework shuts down. Being already dead in the real world, he gives a last toast on a beach before he disappears along with the rest of the Framework.

S.H.I.E.L.D.: Phil CoulsonNick FuryJeffrey Mace/PatriotAlphonso MackenzieMaria HillVictoria HandQuakeMelinda MayJemma SimmonsLeo FitzAntoine TriplettLincoln CampbellJoey GutierrezYo-Yo RodriguezDeke ShawPeggy CarterRobert GonzalesAnne WeaverIsabelle HartleyTomas CalderonDeathlokL.T. KoenigEric KoenigSam KoenigBilly KoenigMarcus BensonBarbara "Bobbi" MorseLance HunterFranklin Hall

HYDRA: Grant WardGideon MalickHiveStephanie MalickNathaniel MalickWolfgang von StruckerDr. Daniel Whitehall / General Werner ReinhardtDr. ListSunil BakshiBrigadier General HaleGeneral FischerJasper SitwellAgent 33Ruby HaleWerner von StruckerGiyeraLucio. John GarrettIan QuinnAkela AmadorBrian HaywardAgent Kaminsky

Criminals and Terrorists: Karla Faye GideonWendell LeviAnton IvanovTucker ShockleyMiles Lydon • Rooster • ChenSantino Noguera

The Confederacy: KasiusSinaraHek-SelVicarAvaTaryanQovasFaulnakMaston-Dar

Other Superheroes: Robbie Reyes / Ghost Rider II • "Johnny Blaze" / Ghost Rider I • Robin Hinton

Other Supervillains: Lorelei (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Calvin ZaboEli MorrowDarkhold GhostsIzelDonnie Gill

Enhanced: Scorch)Tobias FordAbsorbing ManHolden RadcliffeAnon

Inhumans: RainaJiayingEva BelyakovaKatya BelyakovaAlisha WhitleyHellfireLash (Marvel Cinematic Universe)Dwight FryeCharles HintonVijay Nadeer

Government and Military: Camila ReyesVictor RamonMatthew EllisChristian WardEllen NadeerRosalind PriceGlenn TalbotDum Dum DuganJim MoritaDimitri OlshenkoAnton PetrovColonel General Androvich

Citizens: Ace PetersonAudrey NathanGabriel ReyesHannah HutchinsThomas WardThurston KoenigLian MayAlistair FitzWilliam May

Cosmic: Vin-TakAtarahMalachiSnowflakeJacoLady Sif

Others:. • Polly HintonRobin Hinton

LMDs: AidaMay LMDRadcliffe LMDCoulson LMDMack LMDMace LMDFitz LMDDaisy Johnson LMDsIvanov LMDSimmons LMD.

The Framework: Alistair FitzKenneth Turgeon

S.H.I.E.L.D. (Coulson's Team • Secret WarriorsSTRIKE) • Strategic Scientific Reserve • The Cult • Centipede Project • Kree Watch • The Confderecy • Inhumans • Asgardians • Kree Empire • Lighthouse • True Believers • Framework • Hydra