The Hogwarts Castle is a major location in the Harry Potter franchise. The castle holds a Wizarding school that teaches witches and Wizards how to control their powers.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them[]
Harry Potter[]
- Chamber of Secrets: Angered that his friends disagreed with him about only opening the school to those of pure blood status, Slytherin built a secret chamber that housed a Basilisk that he planted. He hoped his heir would return to the school and succeed in his plans to rid the school of Muggle born witches and Wizards. The chamber can only be accessed through those who spoke Parseltongue (such as Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, even those who weren't Parselmouths (such as Ron Weasley and his sister Ginny).
It is accessed through the Hogwarts Express that runs into Hogsmede. students get to the castle when riding in carriages pulled by Thestrals or on boats with Hagrid if they are first year students. The castle and school is protected by a charm; if non-magical people see it, they see a condemned Castle left in runes.