Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Henri-Christian Fraser is the son of Marsali Fraser and Fergus Fraser and the grandson of Claire and Jamie Fraser.

Outlander series[]

A Breath of Snow and Ashes[]

Henri-Christian is born as the fourth child of Fergus and Marsali. He is a dwarf and some of the residents of Fraser's Ridge believe he is a punishment for his parents' sins. Henri-Christian is placed in a basket and put into a stream by some boys. Roger saves him and baptized him. In 1774, Fergus and Marsali move with their children to New Bern.

An Echo in the Bone[]

In 1777, Henri-Christian moves with his parents and siblings from New Bern to Philadelphia. In April 1778, as Henri-Christian's problems with breathing get worse, Claire Fraser performs tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on him.

Written in My Own Heart's Blood[]

In September 1778, Fergus and Marsali receive threats. On September 18, their Philadelphia printshop burns down. Henri-Christian is sleeping on the roof with Germain. They realize there is a fire when the slats under them become hot. They enter the print shop through a trap door. Unable to escape, Germain tries to convince Henri-Christian to jump to the waiting crowd or to swing on a rope to escape. Henri-Christian is afraid so Germain grabs the rope, lifts Henri-Christian around him and tells him to "hold on tight." Despite Jamie’s warning, Germain swings out, Henri-Christian wrapped around him. Henri-Christian’s legs slip and he falls to the ground. Germain falls trying to grab Henri-Christian and is caught by Fergus. The waiting men were unable to catch Henri-Christian and he dies, hitting the ground.

Henri-Christian is buried approximately two hours outside Philadelphia at the location that Young Ian had chosen to build cairns for Jamie and Jenny after their supposed drowning death. He is buried near Rollo's grave.
