Heroes and Villains Wiki

Hela is the main antagonist of the Avengers Prime and Angela: Queen of Hel and 2019's Guardians of the Galaxy. She is the Asgardian Goddess of Death born between Loki, the Asgardian god of mischief, and Frost Giant. She ruled Hel and Niffleheim, after being sent by Odin.

She is based on the ancient Norse goddess of the same name.

She was created by the late Stan Lee and the late Jack Kirby, and first appeared in Journey into Mystery #102 in March 1964.


Asgardians: Thor Odinson, Jane Foster, Loki, Odin, Angela, Tyr, Balder, Laussa Odinsdottir, Sif • Valkyrior (BrunnhildeRūna) • Warriors Three (FandralHogunVolstagg) • FreyaFriggaHeimdallHugin and Munin • Beta Ray Bill • Kelda • Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson • Kevin Masterson) • Thor Girl • Olympians (Zeus, Athena, Hercules), Eitri • The Avengers (Uncanny Avengers • Captain AmericaHulkIron ManSpider-Man), the Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men (HrimhariWolverine) • Sersi, Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Franklin Richards) • Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Daredevil, Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Vision, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Luke Cage, Rogue, Havok, Deadpool, Blade, Amadeus Cho, Silver Surfer, She-Hulk, Black Panther, Quicksilver, Spider-Woman, Ghost Rider
Enemies: Loki Laufeyson, Surtur, Hela, Malekith the Accursed, Mangog, Ulik the Troll, Amora the Enchantress, Absorbing Man, Thanos, Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, Onslaught, Ego the Living Planet, Fenris Wolf, Celestials, Nebula, Karnilla the Norn Queen, The Destroyer Armor, The Collector, Ragnarok, Radioactive Man, Skurge the Executioner, Mephisto, Blackout, Midgard Serpent, Gorr the God Butcher, Kurse (formerly), Dark Elves, Frost Giants, The Wrecking Crew (Bulldozer • Piledriver • Thunderball • Wrecker) • Ymir • Ares • Bloodaxe • Cobra • Desak • Enchanters Three • Firelord • Gorr the God Butcher • Grey Gargoyle • Laufey • Lorelei • Man-Beast • Minotaur • Mister Hyde • Mongoose • Ragnarok • Zarrko

Marvel Cinematic Universe: Thor OdinsonLoki LaufeysonOdin BorsonFrigga ValkyrieSifHeimdallVolstaggHogunFandralHelaKorgMiekSurturSakaaransSakaaran RebelsFenrisBor BurisonOdin BorsonTyrJane FosterDarcy LewisIan BoothbyErik Selvig


Marvel Comics Characters
Iron Man Family: Tony Stark/Iron ManJames Rhodes/War Machine

Avengers: Natalia Romanova/Black WidowSteve Rogers/Captain AmericaMary Jane Watson
Illuminati: Mr. Fantastic (Marvel), Namor the Sub-MarinerDoctor Strange (Marvel)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Iron ManPepper PottsWar MachineHappy HoganJ.A.R.V.I.S.Ho YinsenHoward StarkMaria StarkIron MongerPhil CoulsonNick FuryBlack WidowChristine EverhartWhiplashJustin HammerSpider-ManHulkHarley KeenerAldrich KillianMatthew EllisMaya Hansen
Ten RingsStark Industries