Prince of Eternia
Warrior of Castle Grayskull
Eternia royal family
Nationality/ Citizenship
Protect Castle Greyskull and defeat Skeletor.
King Randor
(father) Queen Marlena (mother)
King Miro (paternal grandfather)Keldor/Skeletor (uncle) Queen Amelia (paternal grandmother) King Stefen (uncle) Unnamed aunt Prince Dal (cousin) Prince Jeremy (cousin) Unnamed uncle Randor's younger sister (aunt) Prince Goras (cousin) Prince Michael (cousin) King Miro's younger brother (great uncle) Unnamed great aunt Prophetess of the Oracle (First cousin, once removed) King Sullei (First cousin, once removed) Lady Edwina (second cousin) Princess Vess (second cousin) Amaxa's father (great uncle) Amaxa's mother (great-aunt) Queen Amaxa (first cousin, once removed) Prince Yaine and Runalf (second cousins) Crimson Countess (adoptive ancestor) King Grayskull (adoptive ancestor) Osirah (adoptive ancestor) D'Vann Grayskull's older adoptive brother (distant great-uncle) King Grayskull (paternal ancestor) Veena (ancestor) Tay-Larr (adoptive anestor) Salaria (Paternal ancestor) He-Ra (Paternal ancestor) D'Are Littlegray (distant great-uncle) Ro Littlegray (distant granduncle) He-Ra's Uncle (distant granduncle) Queen Xerxa (paternal ancestor) King Eldon (ancestor) King Volnar (ancestor) King Freenorn (ancestor) King Eddard (ancestor) Queen Allura (ancestor) King Miro's father (ancestor) Chief Torak Grayson (adoptive ancestor) Shalda (adoptive ancestor) He-Ro (ancestors) Sharella (adoptive ancestor) King Tamusk (adoptive ancestor) Prince Val and Prince Emil ((ancestors)
To not be confused with the person who created the character
She-Ra Battlecat Sorceress of Castle Grayskull Teela Man-At-Arms Orko
Skeletor (arch-nemesis) Evil-Lyn Evil Warriors Hordak Evil Horde King Hiss
Protecting Eternia from dangerous threats, his family
Skeletor, the Evil Warriors, threats to his family, his sister and friends in danger,
Powers and abilities
Superhuman strength and durability
Acrobatics Power Sword Battle Cat
Power Sword
Confirmed inspiration. Just because two characters are very similar does not make them inspirations
Adam Glenn Grayskull , better known as by Prince Adam and He-Man , is the main protagonist of the Masters of the Universe franchise.
He is a space-age warrior who defends his world and others from the forces of the warlord Skeletor, who also happens to be one of the universe's most powerful and feared dark magicians. In the Filmation version, he is the titular main protagonist of the 1983 cartoon show He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (as well in the controversial 1990 sequel series The New Adventures of He-Man ) and a supporting character in the 1985 spin-off She-Ra: Princess of Power .
He-Man is actually Prince Adam , son of King Randor of Eternia.