Heroes and Villains Wiki

Hazel Antoinette Wells is a 10-year-old girl who is the main protagonist of The Fairly OddParents! A New Wish. She is the current godchild of Cosmo and Wanda, after Timmy Turner (and additionally, Chloe Carmichael). She's the daughter of Angela and Marcus Wells and little sister to Antony Wells. She's described in the show's theme song as "feeling all alone", as a result of Antony leaving for college, thus the reason she received the fairies.




Hazel is a 10-year old African American girl with curly dark brown hair, brown eyes and a gap in her front teeth. Her regular attire consists of a blue sweater with pink stripes, blue pants and green sneakers.

Official Description[]

Hazel Wells is a 10-year-old African American girl who is spunky, fun, curious, and highly imaginative. She is a small try in a big world! When Hazel moves to the BIG city of Dimmadelphia on account of her dad taking on a new job and is forced to leave behind everything she once knew - her friends, her home, and her big brother Antony - she's left feeling smaller than ever before. But that's not about to stop her! In spite of her miniature stature, Hazel is bold! She's enthusiastic about life and all its wonders and is an adventurer who loves to explore and ask questions! It's what makes her such a great wisher-she's curious about people, and the world, and hungry to learn more about her place in it.
At the very start of the series, she’s feeling a little more on the introverted than extroverted side. She’s in a new town and trying her best to be happy about it, but she always felt her brother Antony was like her secret superpower. He was smart, kind, confident, and most importantly, BIG. Having Antony around was an instant “in
with people at school. All her teachers already knew and loved him, mean kids knew she had a protector, and cool kids thought she was cool just by association. Without him, she’s like Linus without his blanket… Dumbo without his feather. Without him, she’s just… Hazel. And just in this moment at least, she doesn’t feel like that’s enough. Being chosen by Cosmo and Wanda as their fairy godkid is just the push Hazel needs to bust out of her shell and blossom! Where Timmy’s wishes were often self-serving, Hazel, at times, cares too much about other people. A little empathy is great. An over-abundance of it can lead to mental fatigue and well, chaos. Making wishes (and mistakes) and learning from them will teach her to love and put herself first, and share that love with the rest of the world. And once the wishing begins, look out, because just like with Timmy, Hazel’s wishes are driven by who she is… and by the fact that she is a CHILD.
―Official description[1]




The Fairly OddParents 2001 Logo
Timmy Turner, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, Chloe Carmichael, Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner, Sparky

Timmy's Friends: Mark Chang, Chester McBadbat, Trixie Tang, AJ, Sanjay, Chip Skylark,Elmer, Jorgen Von Strangle, Tammy and Tommy Turner
Superheroes: Crimson Chin, Catman, Crash Nebula
Cosmic:Fairies, Yugopotamians (King Gripullon, Queen Jipjorrulac)
Villains: Vickey the Babysitter, Mr. Crocker, Francis, Jimmy Neutron (formerly), Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Anti-Fairies, Head Pixie, Sanderson, other Pixies, Foop, Dark Laser, Imaginary Gary, Nega Chin, Alden Bitterroot, Overlord Glee, Gigglepies Crossovers: SpongeBob SquarePants, Danny Phantom, Professor Calamitous, Sheldon J. Plankton, Vlad Plasmius, Jimmy Neutron, Cindy Vortex, Libby Folfax, Sheen Estevez, Carl Wheezer, Goddard

Earth: Dimmsdale (Turner Residence (Cosmo and Wanda's Castle and Fishbowl, Park, City Hall), Dimmsdale Flats, Dimmsdale Dump, Dimmsdale Elementary School, Dimmsdale High School)

Fairy World: Spellementary School
Dimensions: Acton Planet, Pixie Inc., Anti-Fairy World
