Hawkwoman (DC)
Full name
Shayera Thal Hol
Other names
Chay-Ara Hawkwoman Hawkgirl Kendra Saunders Shrra Shiera Hall
Distinguishing Features
Woman with long red hair, green eyes and artificial wings
Empress of Thanagar Member of the Justice Society of America Member of the All-Star Squadron (formerly) Vigilante Member of the Justice League Reserve (formerly)
Justice Society of America Justice League (formerly) All-Star Squadron (Formerly)
To be with Hawkman (succeeded) Protect innocents and fight for justice (ongoing)
Thal Provis (Father)
Corsar Thal (brother)
Katar Hol/Carter Hall (husband)
Fighting for honor, justice, heroes, helping protect innocents
Vandal Savage, being separated from Carter, innocents in danger, losing her temper, Wonder Woman's methods (sometimes)
Powers and abilities
Decelerated aging
Thanagarian Phyisology
Enhanced senses Enhanced durability Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Strength Longevity
Artificial Feather Wings Flight
TV Series
Justice League Justice League Unlimited Young Justice
Created by
Rob Liefeld Mak Poulton Joe Bennett
Hawkwoman (real name Shayera Thal , later Shayera Hol ) is a heroines created by DC comics. She is the wife and eternal true love of Carter Hall, the current Hawkman. She is a reincarnation of Shrra, an angelic herald cursed by God and has been a member of the Justice Society of America and the Justice League.