Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
Full name
Katherine Elizabeth Bishop
Other names
Hawkeye, Hawkette, Lady Hawkeye, Lady Hawkguy
Adventurer Private-Eye Fugitive Student Leader of Hawkeye Investigations Leader of the West Coast Avengers Babysitters Club Member Young Avengers Member and former leader Secret Avengers Member (formerly)
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Young Avengers
West Coast Avengers Avengers New Avengers
Derek Bishop (father) Eleanor Bishop (mother) Heather Bishop (stepmother)
Susan Bishop (sister)
Patriot (love-interest) Fuse (love-interest)
Hawkeye (partner),
America Chavez ,
Cassandra Lang ,
Miles Morales , Gwenpool,
Captain America , Captain Marvel,
Jessica Jones ,
Magneto ,
Scarlet Witch ,
Quicksilver , Deadpool, Hellcat, Maria Hill, Old Man Logan,
Ghost Rider , Hulkling, Patriot (love-interest), Fuse (love-interest),
Wiccan and
Speed , Prodigy, Kid Omega, Iron Lad, Marvel Boy, The Runaways
Powers and abilities
Highly skilled archer, fencer, swordswoman, martial artist, boxer, and other forms of combat
Use of two battle staves, a sword, a bow, and trick arrows
Portrayed by
Hailee Steinfield
Katherine "Kate" Bishop is a fictional character and superheroine in Marvel Comics. Upon the apparent demise of Clint Barton, Kate became the next Hawkeye . After Clint's revival, they both decided to hold the mantle together, with Kate becoming his partner and student.
Young Avengers (team)
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) , Patriot (Elijah Bradley) , Hulkling (Marvel) , Marvel Boy , America Chavez (Marvel) , Prodigy (David Alleyne) , Speed , Stinger , Wiccan , Iron Lad , Loki (Ikol) , Vision (Jonas)
Allies: Captain America (Steve Rogers) , Jessica Jones , Iron Man (Tony Stark) , Kl'rt the Super-Skrull , Runaways (Nico Minoru , Karolina Dean , Gertrude Yorkes , Old Lace , Molly Hayes , Chase Stein , Victor Mancha , Xavin ), New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Young Masters, Uncanny Avengers, Ronin/Hawkeye (Clint Barton) , Winter Soldier, Mighty Avengers, Magneto , Quicksilver , Master Pandemonium, Scarlet Witch , X-Factor Investigations, Ant-Man (Scott Lang) , X-Men Enemies: Kang the Conqueror, Growing Men, Mister Hyde, Kl'rt the Super-Skrull, Young Masters, Warden of The Cube, Marvel Boy, A.I.M., "Scarlet Witch", Kree, Skrulls, Commander Chrell, Super-Skrulls, Doctor Doom, Master Pandemonium, Captain Av-Rom, Sons of the Serpent, Wrecking Crew, Dark Avengers Mother, Young Avengers (Constructs), Skifflefuffles