Full name
Clinton Francis Barton
Other names
Trickshot, Captain America
Archer S.H.I.E.L.D. agent (formerly) Member of The Avengers Member of the Circus of Crime (formerly) Superhero Thief(formerly)
S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly)
Avengers Circus of Crime (formerly)
Avengers Tower, Manhattan, New York City, New York
Black Bolt ,
Black Panther ,
Black Widow ,
Captain America ,
Captain Marvel ,
Falcon ,
Hulk ,
Iron Man ,
Medusa ,
Ms. Marvel , Red Hulk, Songbird,
Spider-Man ,
Thor ,
Vision ,
Wasp ,
Thunderstrike ,
Star-Lord ,
Crystal Amaquelin ,
Gamora ,
Rocket Raccoon ,
Drax the Destroyer ,
Groot , S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. Trainees, S.M.A.S.H., Thunderbolts, Winter Guard
Zzzax, Titania, Mangog, Hydra, The Cabal, Space Phantoms,
Doctor Doom ,
Dracula , Super-Adaptoid,
Thanos ,
Ultron ,
Loki , Squadron Supreme, A.I.M, Mojo, Circus of Crime, Blood Brothers, Wrecking Crew, Ulik, Midgard Serpent,
Galactus , Fin Fang Foom, Absorbing Man, Masters of Evil, Baron Zemo,
Dormammu , Justin Hammer,
Leader , Beyonder, Morgan Le Fay
Powers and abilities
Expert marksmanship Master archery Expert swordsmanship
TV Series
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Avengers Assemble Ultimate Spider-Man
Video Games
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Disney Infinity series Marvel: Avengers Alliance Marvel vs. Capcom series Marvel: Contest of Champions Marvel Tsum Tsum Marvel's Avengers Roblox (bow and arrow)
Park Attractions
Avengers Training Initiative
Chris Cox (The Avengers: EMH ) Troy Baker]] (currently) Christopher Smith (Marvel Disk Wars ) Giacomo Gianniotti (Marvel's Avengers )
Clinton "Clint" Barton is a character the Marvel Animated Universe, debuting in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes . He was a thief before turning away from the life of crime and becoming known as the superhero Hawkeye, and later becoming an agentist shield and then an official member of the Avengers.