Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Halliwell Manor is the main location of the 1998-2006 television series, Charmed. It is the home of the Charmed Ones, Piper, Phoebe, and Prue Halliwell and later,  Paige Matthews

It is a Victorian-style manor located on 1329 Prescott Street, San Francisco. The original structure was built in 1898 and was rebuilt in 1906 after it was destroyed in the great San Francisco earthquake.[1] The manor has been in the Warren Line for four generations, the first generation being Gordon Johnson and his wife P. Baxter. The Halliwell Manor was built on a Spiritual Nexus and has been the seat of power for the Charmed Ones since their awakening in 1998.

Charmed logo
Original Characters
Main Characters: Prue HalliwellPiper HalliwellPhoebe HalliwellPaige MatthewsDarryl MorrisChris HalliwellAndy TrudeauLeo WyattCoop HalliwellHenry MitchellCole TurnerBillie Jenkins

Supporting Characters: Penny HalliwellPatty HalliwellVictor BennettWyatt HalliwellElise RothmanDan GordonKyle Brody

Villains: Christy JenkinsSource of All EvilZankouRex BucklandHannah WebsterBarbasCole TurnerSource of All EvilShaxWyatt HalliwellGideonEvil PiperEvil PhoebeEvil PaigeAshley FallonAlecInspector RodriguezJannaJavnaJaydaHecateInspector SheridanSpider Demon

Macy Vaughn, Maggie Vera, Kaela Danso, Mel Vera
The TriadThe Charmed Ones