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Ooh, ooh, ooh!
―Gwimbly's iconic victory dance catchphrase.

Gwimbly is the titular supporting character in the Smiling Friends episode titled "Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut)." He is depicted as a washed-up video game mascot from the '90s who has resorted to doing Cameo-style appearances and street dances to make a living after falling on hard times. The character was created as a parody of forgotten video game mascots, drawing comparisons to characters like Rayman or Crash Bandicoot. In order to help him reclaim his former glory, Pim Pimling and Allan Red try and help him star in a new game.

He is voiced by the series' co-creator, Zach Hadel.


Gwimbly was once the star of his own popular 90s 3D platformer series, with hits like Gwimbly 3: Gwimbly's Revenge. However, after parting ways with his company, Insane Groundbreaking Games (IGBG), he fell into poverty and homelessness as the gaming industry shifted toward microtransactions and downloadable content (DLC), leaving behind the platforming and creamed corn-collecting that had made him famous. To survive, Gwimbly resorted to creating fan-requested Cameo videos and performing street dances for cash.

One day, while lingering outside the Smiling Friends headquarters, Gwimbly was doused with dirty brown water by Allan, who wanted to get rid of him. Pim, recognizing Gwimbly as the mascot of a video game franchise he adored as a child, felt sympathy and persuaded Allan to help him revive Gwimbly’s career by pitching him for a new game. They approached the IGBG CEO, but their proposal was mocked with chicken nuggets. The CEO revealed Troglor, IGBG's new mascot, a cutting-edge character with a trillion polygons, billed as the face of modern gaming. Despite the rejection, the group decided to crowdfund an independent Gwimbly game, hoping to bring back his old sidekick, Mr. Millipede, and his nemesis, Count Groxia. Unfortunately, their plan fell apart—Count Groxia had become a busy family man, and Mr. Millipede had tragically died of a fentanyl overdose, something Gwimbly hadn’t known.

Meanwhile, the CEO ordered Troglor to eliminate Gwimbly and his team to keep control of the Gwimbly franchise. As Gwimbly grieved Mr. Millipede’s death with Pim and Allan, Troglor appeared, destroyed the grave, and pursued them. They fled to the Smiling Friends break room, where James accidentally saved them by stabbing the CEO in the head, killing him. With the CEO gone, Gwimbly and a now-isolated Troglor joined forces to star in a new fighting game, featuring high-fidelity graphics and modern mechanics in the style of Super Smash Bros..


Gwimbly is depicted as somewhat naive and optimistic, though clearly down on his luck. He often acts in ways that reflect his deep longing to regain his former fame, such as making Cameo videos for income and clinging to hopes of reviving his old video game series.

Despite his struggles, Gwimbly still retains a lively and quirky personality, highlighted by his "iconic victory dance," which he performs reluctantly, even though it's no longer in demand. His optimism surfaces in hopeful moments, but he is also somewhat delusional about his situation, unaware of how irrelevant his character has become in the modern gaming landscape. This vulnerability adds both humor and sympathy to his character.

Gwimbly is also very prideful, reacting strongly to insults or disrespect, which often leads to short-tempered outbursts. He harbors resentment toward his former CEO for exploiting him without giving proper credit, jaded, rudderless, and embittered by his experiences with the video game industry. However, he remains generally affable and appreciative toward those who treat him with respect, and he eventually learns to let go of the past.

Physical appearance[]

As a video game character from the late 1990s, he is depicted with low-resolution polygons and early CGI techniques. He has the appearance of an anthropomorphic rodent with pale, sickly yellow fur, a long curved snout topped with a dark nose, and a wide mouth featuring two large front teeth. His exposed belly, droopy blue eyes, patchy skin, and overall gauntness give him a generally unhealthy look. He also has a fluffy pink tail.

His outfit includes a shirt with a pattern reminiscent of retro arcade carpets, featuring blue, yellow, and magenta geometric shapes, paired with a blue and black baseball cap with a magenta brim. His shoes are light blue with magenta soles, and the left shoe is so worn that his toes are exposed.

In a later appearance within a platformer-style fighting game segment, his design receives an update. This version presents a brighter, more refined look, rendered as a higher-quality 3D model reminiscent of his prime.


Oh, I swear to God, if I had my Gwimbly GUN ON ME RIGHT NOW, I'D-!
―Gwimbly's threat to the IGBG CEO.

Stop, man! Stop it, b-- buzz off, why don't ya?
―Gwimbly insisting that Allan stops spraying him with a hose.

Oh cool, rock on, brother! I wish this red thing appreciated me like you do. I HATE this red thing, I spit on you! *spits*
―Gwimbly appreciating Pim while criticizing Allan.

I don't need your help, I-- I'm doing my own thing now, and I'm thriving. But I CAN do my iconic Gwimbly victory dance for only $5! I take Venmo.
―Gwimbly denying help from the Smiling Friends.

Well, I don't do my iconic victory dance for nothing. Okay, I guess just this once, I can do it for nothing: Ooh-ooh-ooh! Okay, I guess I can do one more for nothing: Ooh-ooh-ooh!
―Gwimbly performing his victory dance for free.

Yeah, no, I-- I'm alright. I think it was just the second dance that did it. Ugh... Do you have any creamed corn?
―Gwimbly asking Charlie for sustenance after his dancing made him lightheaded.

Heeey, James from Idaho... uh-- a little birdie told me it's your birthday today, and uhh... you're also a big fan of Gwimbly, uhm... Oh yeah: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Uhm... [...] And I’m seeing here I shou-- I should also tell Tyler, to go to hell? I don’t know who Tyler is or what that means, but uhh...“
―Gwimbly's cameo request for James.

Do-- Don't look-- Don't look at that... don't look at that.
―Gwimbly after vomiting green sludge.

Yeah, well, I'll always be the iconic mascot of this damn stupid company!
―Gwimbly standing up to the IGBG CEO.

Oh, FUCK you!
―Gwimbly after being offered to kiss a chicken nugget.

Oh, come on, it'll be just like the old days! Remember when I used to beat your ass over the creamed corn?
―Gwimbly trying to convince Count Groxia to team up with him.

It's just wrong, man. Mr. Millipede was like a damn brother to me. And I'm gonna say what nobody else is willing to say; America has a fuckin' fentanyl crisis... Ooh, ooh, ooooh-hoooo...
―Gwimbly missing his sidekick, Mr. Millipede.


Mr. Millipede[]

Mr. Millipede was Gwimbly's "trusty sidekick" back in the good old days. Gwimbly remembers him fondly, and while searching for ways to rejuvenate his career, he becomes excited by the idea of working with his former buddy again. After discovering that Millipede had passed away from a fentanyl overdose, Gwimbly is visibly distraught. Later, he pours out a drink for him, mourning his best friend and recalling that he was "like a brother" to him.

Count Groxia[]

In the Gwimbly fictional universe, Count Groxia is depicted as a brutish tyrant and the arch-nemesis of Gwimbly, embodying traits typically associated with video game villains. However, in reality, the two were simply friendly co-workers. Gwimbly casually asks his former nemesis to star in a new game, reminiscing about the times Gwimbly would "beat his ass" over creamed corn. While Count Groxia seems to look back on these memories fondly, he is now far too preoccupied with his family life as a retired man. Politely, yet dismissively and awkwardly, he rejects Gwimbly's offer, seemingly wanting little to do with him in the modern age.

Pim Pimling[]

Upon recognizing the former mascot on the street, Pim becomes briefly starstruck, expressing that Gwimbly was a childhood role model for him. Gwimbly appreciates this, endearingly telling Pim to "rock on" and wishing others valued him the same way. Eventually, he tags along with Pim to revive his career in the gaming industry, often reminiscing with him about his old line of work.

Allan Red[]

Initially, Allan was extremely hostile toward Gwimbly, spraying him with what he dubbed 'dirty brown water' through a hose simply because he was a homeless man loitering outside the office. This angered Gwimbly, who told Allan to 'buzz off' and expressed his hatred for 'this red thing' before spitting on Allan and claiming that he wasn't being appreciated by him. Despite this, Allan eventually stops and later helps Gwimbly get his career back, though only because he wants him gone. Gwimbly befriends Allan somewhat during their quest but seems oblivious to the fact that Allan still doesn't care about him, likely due to his naivety.


If Count Groxia only served as Gwimbly's arch-enemy within his fictional universe, then the IGBG CEO would be his true arch-enemy. The CEO completely ridiculed Gwimbly for his destitution following his departure from the company, sarcastically claiming that his solo career had been going 'successfully' before offering him a chicken nugget to kiss in submission. This rightfully enraged Gwimbly, who angrily insisted that he was never appreciated and would always be the company’s primary mascot. He even threatened the CEO, swearing to God that he would do something if only he had his 'Gwimbly Gun' with him at the time.


Troglor was the minion and new mascot of the IGBG CEO, introduced as a foil to Gwimbly’s outdated graphics and mechanics, being composed of over one trillion polygons. However, Troglor was a duetus and a neutral character, showing no personal animosity toward Gwimbly, even when ordered to kill him. After the CEO's death, Troglor was unsure what to do without his master but ultimately decided to team up with and befriend Gwimbly so that neither would feel alone, much to Gwimbly’s enthusiasm.

External Links[]


Heroes: Pim Pimling, Charlie Dompler, Allan Red, Glep, Mr. Boss, Desmond, Professor Psychotic, 3D Squelton, Gwimbly, Century Egg, God

Villains: Satan, Mr. Frog, Frowning Friends, Bliblies, Mip, Jeremy, DJ Spit, James, Brittney, Mr. Peanut, Jombo, IGBG CEO, Mr. Landlord, Oscar, Bosnian Homer, Alien Dudebros, Party Bro, Forest Demon, Renaissance Men, Simon S. Salty, Salty's Mascots, Troglor , Count Groxia, Mr. Man
