Heroes and Villains Wiki

Grover Underwood is a major protagonist from the Camp Half-Blood series. He is  Percy Jackson's protector and best friend and Juniper's boyfriend. He is the leader of the Satyrs, a lord of the Wild, and a member on the Clover Council.



Grover is the tritagonist of the Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians, a minor character in the Heroes of Olympus and a supporting character in the Trials of Apollo book series.


In the film adaptations of the first two Percy Jackson books, Grover was portrayed by Brandon T. Jackson as a teenager and Bjorn Yearwood as a child.

In the Off-Broadway musical, he was played by George Salazar and Jorrel Javier in the National tour.

In the upcoming 2024 Disney+ television series, he will be portrayed by Aryan Simhadri.



Percy Jackson and the Olympians[]

The Lightning Thief[]

The Sea of Monsters[]

The Titan's Curse[]

The Battle of the Labyrinth[]

The Last Olympian[]

Between the Series[]

Sometime in between The Last Olympian and The Lost Hero, Grover eventually became one of the Council's leaders. When Percy went missing, Grover was one of the many individuals trying to find him.

The Heroes of Olympus[]

The Lost Hero[]

The Son of Neptune[]

The Mark of Athena[]

The House of Hades[]

The Blood of Olympus[]

The Trials of Apollo[]

The Hidden Oracle[]

The Dark Prophecy[]

The Burning Maze[]


Percy Jackson[]

Best Friend

Annabeth Chase[]

Close Friend



At some unknown point, Grover met and fell in love with Juniper, a Dryad who lived on campus in the Camp Half-Blood grounds. By the time of the fourth Percy Jackson novel, Grover's girlfriend was a Dryad named Juniper, who he is in love with. One of the many things Grover fears is his girlfriend's fury, as he tries many ways to not upset her. During his trial with the Elder Satyrs to finding Pan, Percy noticed Juniper crying due to her fears what the outcome of the trial would be. When Grover returned to camp in The Last Olympian, Juniper tackled and hugged him. While he had a crush on a blueberry bush and Artemis, Grover loves his girlfriend more.


Former Crush

Like all Satyrs, Grover has a crush on the goddess due to her love of nature. However, seeing she is a virgin goddess, Artemis would never act on their feelings for her. It is one of the reasons why Grover immediately volunteered to aid the quest to rescue her in The Titan's Curse. Grover later apologized to Percy for this, while also remembering they were rescuing Annabeth as well.


Due to his fear of Cyclopes, Tyson and Grover rarely got along, mostly because The Cyclopes were the reason that Thalia was killed the first time. However, the two bonded during their time in the Labyrinth together.


  • Grover has been assigned as guardian of four demigods who are children of the Big Three: Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, and Bianca and Nico di Angelo (children of Hades).
    • He has also been the protector of children who are both the grandchildren of Zeus: Annabeth, daughter of Athena and Luke, son of Hermes.


Main Characters
Percy JacksonGrover UnderwoodAnnabeth ChaseTysonClarisse La RueThalia GraceNico di AngeloChironLuke CastellanRachel Elizabeth Dare

Minor Characters: Travis StollConnor StollMrs. O'LearySilena BeauregardCharles BeckendorfSally JacksonPaul BlofisBlackjackZoë NightshadeBianca di AngeloJuniperMichael YewEthan NakamuraKatie GardnerMiranda GardinerDaedalus
Olympian Gods: Zeus HeraPoseidonDemeterAresAthenaApolloArtemisHephaestusAphroditeHermesDionysusHadesHestia
Minor Gods: AmphitriteAriadneHecateIrisJanusMorpheusNemesisPanPersephoneTriton

Olympians • DemigodsCamp Half-Blood membersTitan Army - Olympian Army
Camp Half-Blood
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clariss La Rue (Percy Jackson Films), Kronos, Hades
TV Series
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood

Secondary Characters: Sally JacksonChironLuke CastellanClarisse La RueChris Rodriguez
Minor Characters: Nancy BobofitGabe UglianoEddieOracle of DelphiThalia Grace • Ferdinand Underwood • Nereid • Fates • Augustus • Nico di AngeloBianca di Angelo • Charon
Greek Gods: ZeusPoseidonHadesDionysusHermesAresAthenaHephaestus
Titans: Kronos
Monsters: AlectoMinotaurMedusaEchidnaChimeraProcrustesCerberus
