―Groot's catchphrase (also the only words he says)
Groot is a Marvel Comics character who is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is a Flora Colossus from Planet X.
Groot was a Flora colossus from the planet, X. He eventually became friends with the genetically-modified organism known as Rocket. They committed crimes together. Several of his crimes were three counts
of grievous bodily harm, fifteen accounts off escaping prison and three counts of mercenary activity. He was only limited to three words: "I am
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
In the year 2014, Groot and his friend, Rocket were on the planet Xandar looking for bounties on other people's heads. However, Rocket
was the only one who was doing the hunting while Groot was drinking out
of a water fountain. The tree's friend had been able to spot a young man
named Peter Quill, who was wanted by his former caretaker and adoptive
father, Yondu Udonta for forty thousand units. Just as they go to attack
Peter, Gamora however had gotten there first.
While Rocket knocked Gamora out of Peter's reach, Rocket had
ordered Groot to capture the former Ravager. However, Groot mistook
Gamora for Peter until Rocket pointed out that Gamora wasn't the target.
When Quill wasn't looking, Groot took the bag and put it over Peter's
entire body. However, their plan failed when the group was taken into
custody for disturbing the peace on Xandar.
While being presented by the Nova Corps, Groot, along with the others, were sent to the Kyln. On their first day in the Kyln, a monstrous inmate threatened Peter Quill, but was stopped by Groot, who
stuck his two fingers into the inmate's nostrils. Rocket had told the prisoners that no one was to harm Quill, as he was "their booty" and if
they wanted him, then they would have to go through either Groot or Rocket. This caused most of the prisoners to stay away from the new
During the final battle with Ronan the Accuser, the old Groot sacrificed himself to save his friends from when the Dark Aster crash-landed. A new Groot was created.
Michael Clarke Duncan recorded his lines for Groot shortly before his death in September 2012. According to Brian Michael Bendis, this was Duncan's last job.
James Gunn has explained on Twitter that Groot actually did die at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy and that "Baby Groot" is his son.
“I am Groot!”
―Groot's catchphrase (also the only words he says)
Groot is a Marvel Comics character who is a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is a Flora Colossus, born on the Milano from a twig left by the first Groot after the Battle of Xandar.