Heroes and Villains Wiki
Heroes and Villains Wiki

Grimlock is a minor character in Transformers: Age of Extinction and Transformers The Last Knight the fourth and fifth installment of the Transformers film series.

He is a gigantic member and leader of the Dinobots who transforms into a T-Rex. Initially aggressive towards the Autobots and their human allies, Grimlock was successfully tamed by Optimus Prime. Befriending the Autobots, Grimlock and the other Dinobots helped them in their fight against the Cemetery Wind, the Decepticons and Quintessa.

           Transformers Logo Film Series

Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz, Ratchet, Ironhide, SideswipeJetfire • Arcee Triplets (ArceeChromia • & Elita-1) • Skids & MudflapJoltWheelieBrainsDino/MirageQue/Wheeljack • The Wreckers (RoadbusterLeadfootTopspin) • HoundCrosshairsDriftHot RodCogmanSqweeksDaytraderCanopyTrench BulldogKnights of Iacon/Dragonstorm (StormreignDragonstormStormreign) • Breakaway
Sam WitwickyCade YeagerMikaela BanesMiles Lancaster, Tessa YeagerViviane WemblyIzabellaMaggie MadsenGlen WhitmannShane DysonSarah Lennox
Sector Seven: Tom BanachekSeymour Simmons
NEST: William LennoxBobby Epps • Graham • Stone
KSI: Joshua JoyceDarcy TirrelSu Yueming
Transformers Reaction Force: Commander Santos • Glenn Morshower
Witwicky Family/Order of the Witwiccans: Judy WitwickyCarly Brooks-SpencerRon WitwickyArchibald WitwickySir Edmund BurtonCogman
Military Officials: John KellerCharlotte Mearing
Decepticons: MegatronThe FallenSentinel PrimeStarscreamBarricadeFrenzyBlackoutScorponokBonecrusherBrawlMegatronus Prime / The FallenSoundwaveRavageReedmanSidewaysGrindorDemolishorDevastatorThe ConstructiconsAliceShockwaveThe DrillerLaserbeak • The Dreads • GalvatronStingerOnslaughtDreadbotMohawkNitro Zeus
Government Officials: Director GallowayJames SavoyHarold Attinger
The Creators: QuintessaInfernocons
Other: Dylan GouldLockdownUnicronTrent DeMarco

NEST • Sector Seven • AutobotsDecepticonsDynasty of Primes • The Creators
Objects: AllSparkMatrix of LeadershipSpace BridgeMerlin's Staff • Archibald Witwicky's glasses • the Ark, Sun Harvester
Locations: Cybertron, NEST Base
