Heroes and Villains Wiki

This article is about the character from the Sam Raimi film series. For other versions of the character, see Green Goblin.

You're pathetically like a moth to the flame. What about my generous proposal? are you in or are you out?
―Green Goblin mocking his native Spider-Man

Norman Osborn, later known as the Green Goblin, is the main antagonist of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy and the 2021 Marvel Cinematic Universe film Spider-Man: No Way Home. Norman was exposed to the Goblin serum that drove him to insanity, causing his mind to create a split persona called the Green Goblin. The split personality has vowed to hurt anyone without remorse and destroy everything Peter Parker holds dear which unfortunately leads to his own demise.

At least twenty two years later, a time displaced Green Goblin before his death finds himself in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though he killed this alternate reality's version of Aunt May, her nephew, Spider-Man cured Osborn with an antiserum, ridding the Goblin forever and turning him as Norman once more.

He is portrayed by Willem Dafoe in both the original trilogy and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.




Spider-Man 2[]

Spider-Man 3[]

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]


The Green Goblin is insane, malicious, sadistic and cunning. He is consistently cheerful, playful, and merry in tone, in stark contrast to the viciousness and violence of his actions.

He seems to take everything in stride, having no value for human life, and finds amusement in wanting destruction. While he comes off as silly at first, the Goblin is constantly scheming and he can orchestrate incredibly elaborate plans. He also has a nihilistic sense of humor and what is entertaining to him is disturbing and horrific to others. He shows strong hatred towards the very concept of morality, believing it weakens people and makes them suffer, and even goes as far as calling it an illness.

Furthermore, he can assess an opponent and accurately deduce their mindset and desires - exploiting their impulses for his own gains. His greatest strength lies in his ability to understand his opponents' capacity for empathy and love, and twist it in order to bend their will to suit his own needs. The Goblin is sharply perceptive of other people's mindsets, which makes him much more insidious and dangerous than other typical villains. While many villains fail to grasp empathy or believe in selflessness and kindness, the Goblin understands these qualities well and exploits them to psychologically break the will of others.

Powers & Abilities[]

Former Powers[]

  • Artificially Enhanced Physiology/Goblin Formula Enhancements: Osborn was exposed to a formula developed by his company for super soldiers in the military. It enhanced the Goblin's strength, agility, durability and speed. However, the consequences were the creation of his split personality. Norman was often conflicted as to which persona he wanted, with the Goblin taking over. It grew insane, up to the point that Osborn often saw The Goblin in the mirror instead of his own reflection, as well as testing his sanity. However, Peter Parker of Earth-19999 forcibly injected Norman with the anti-serum which removed his mutation and restored his sanity.
    • Superhuman Strength: The Goblin is stronger than any normal human. He was strong enough to fight and overpower his Spider-Man, slamming him through multiple floors, and destroying an entire apartment building. He showed his strength when he punches a wall when Spider-Man ducks in the final battle and he busted the wall completely showing his strength in his blows. He also easily broke his helmet with a rock. Later in his battle with the alternate Spider-Man, he was able to take the young hero down and sent him smashing through the hotel walls.
    • Superhuman Durability: The Goblin's body is tougher and far more durable than a normal human's, which allowed him to withstand physical strikes attacks from an enraged Spider-Man without facing any fatal injury. However, he did have his limits, as his own glider was capable of impaling him and Spider-Man was eventually able to best him during their final confrontation. The Goblin also has far more stamina than any normal human, which allowed him to easily keep up with the likes of the powerful Spider-Man himself who was holding back his power.
    • Superhuman Speed: The Goblin is far faster and more agile than any normal human, being almost as fast as Spider-Man and being able to make maneuvers to best his opponents. The Goblin can also have incredible reflexes to react much faster than any regular human and can keep up with Spider-Man during his fight.
    • Superhuman Agility: Osborn is far more agile than any normal human, being able to use it to make maneuvers to best his opponents. Osborn can use his glider with little issues with his superhuman equilibrium and sense of balance and dodge certain attacks from an enraged Peter. Also because of the performance-enhancing gas Osborn experimented with, Osborn became capable of great athletic feats as seen during his battles with Spider-Man.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: Osborn can react much faster than any regular human. He can keep up with Spider-Man during his fight. Osborn even as far was able to block some of his attacks and react from an intense blow Peter attempted to give.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Osborn's musculature produces far fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human, allowing him to easily keep up with the likes of the powerful Spider-Man himself who was holding back his power. Osborn continuously laugh and enjoy every punch Parker gave and continued the fight.
    • Regenerative Healing Factor: The enhancing gas also gave the Goblin the ability to heal more quickly than a regular human, he did have his limits, as his own glider was capable of killing him in seconds.


Heroes and Villains has a collection of images and media related to Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films).


  • The wayway Green Goblin throws MJ off the bridge in the original 2002 film and how Michelle is knocked off of the Statue of Liberty from his pumpkin bomb mirrors how he killed Gwen in the comics. However, unlike the storyline, the goblin is unsuccessful in killing off the hero's love interest. Instead both original Spider-Man and Amazing Spider-Man save both Mary Jane and Michelle in their respective films.
  • Throughout the first film, It was widely debated if Norman Osborn and Green Goblin were a split personality or not. The novelizations for The Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies confirmed that the Green Goblin and Norman Osborn are separate individuals, as does Spider-Man: No Way Home.
  • No Way Home sightly retconned the Spider-Man films: that film revealed Otto and Norman knew each other before the films, despite evidence saying otherwise. Additionally, the Sandman and Doctor Octavius state Norman's identity as the Goblin and manner of disposal was public knowledge. However, in the second and third film, it was private knowledge between Harry, Peter and the Osborn's Butler, Bernard


Spider Family: Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider/ChasmFelicity Hardy/Scarlet Spider • Gwen Stacy (MainstreamGhost-Spider) • Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew/Spider-WomanJulia Carpenter/Spider-Woman/Madame WebMattie Franklin/Spider-WomanUltimate Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman) • Kaine Parker/Scarlet SpiderCassandra Webb/Madame WebMiguel O'Hara/Spider-Man (2099)Miles Morales/Spider-Man (Earth-1610)Peni ParkerPeter Parker/Spider-Man (Earth-616)Cindy Moon/SilkAnnie Parker/SpiderlingPeter Porker/Spider-HamPeter Parker/Spider-Man NoirOtto Octavius/Superior Spider-ManPeter Parker/Ultimate Spider-ManPavitr Prabhakar/Spider-ManPeter Parker/Spider-Man JBilly Braddock/Spider-UKMay Reilly/Lady SpiderHobart Brown/Spider-PunkAshley Barton/Spider-Girl

Supporting Characters: Gwen StacyBetty BrantNed Leeds/HobgoblinBlack CatMay ParkerBen ParkerMary ParkerRichard ParkerBluebirdEddie BrockFirestarFlash ThompsonGanke LeePhil Urich/Green GoblinHarold OsbornHarry OsbornCaptain George StacyJ. Jonah JamesonLiz AllanLizardMary Jane WatsonMichele GonzalesMichael Morbius/Living VampireThomas Fireheart/PumaAaron Davis/ProwlerAnne Weying/She-VenomSilver SableVenom (Eddie Brock)• Jessica JonesOfficer Vin GonzalesDaredevilMoon KnightX-MenFantastic Four (Reed Richards/Mr. FantasticInvisible WomanJohnny Storm/The ThingJohnny Storm/Human TorchIron ManCaptain AmericaCaptain MarvelWolverineValeria Richards/BrainstormFranklin Richards/PowerhouseJefferson DavisRio MoralesSee More

Enemies: Norman Osborn/Green GoblinOtto Octavius/Doctor OctopusHarry Osborn/Green GoblinShockerLizardDoctor DoomKingpinBlack Order • Gabriel Stacy • ElectroVultureAbe Jenkins/Beetle • Spider-Slayers • Sinister Six • ScorpionAbsorbing ManDormammuVenomCarnageMephistoRhinoLoki LaufeysonWhirlwind • Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Bulldozer, Thunderball) • Piledriver) • Frightful Four (Medusa AmaquelinKlawWizardTitaniaTrapster) Ultron • Symbiotes (Carnage • Scream • Agony • Lasher • Phage • Sleeper • yellow • Riot)

2000s Film Series: Peter Parker/Spider-ManNorman Osborn/Green GoblinHarry OsbornMary Jane WatsonAunt MayDoctor OctopusSandmanEddie Brock/Venom

The Amazing Spider-Man: Peter Parker/Spider-ManDr. Curt Connors/LizardGwen StacyGeorge StacyFlash ThompsonHarry Osborn/Green GoblinMax Dillion/Electro

Yost Universe: Betty Brant, Spider-Man (Yost Universe)

Marvel Animated Universe: Spider-ManWhite TigerNovaIron FistPower ManSquirrel GirlMary Jane WatsonAunt MayCloak and DaggerHawkeyeIron ManAnt-ManDoctor StrangeBlack WidowCaptain AmericaNick FuryPhil CoulsonKraven the HunterVenom • The Frightful Four (Thundra • Batroc • Wizard) • CarnageDoctor DoomFlash ThompsonMiles MoralesScarlet SpiderPetra ParkerNightmareWerewolf by NightBladeFrankenstein's MonsterDracula
The Spectacular Spider-Man: Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Kenny Kong, Flash Thompson, Randy Robertson, Sally Avril, Mary Jane Watson, Betty Brant, Glory Grant, Hobie Brown, New York City Police Department (Captain George Stacy and Vin Gonzalez), Green Goblin, Venom, May Parker, Anna Watson, Ben Parker, Sinister Six (Lizard, Electro, Kraven the Hunter, Sandman, Tombstone), Rhino, J. Jonah Jameson, Robbie Robertson, Black Cat, Silver Sable, Black Cat, Doctor Octopus

2017 series: Peter Parker/Spider-ManMiles Morales/Spy-DGwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen/Ghost-SpiderAnya Corazon/Spider-WomanIronheartMs. MarvelTony Stark/Iron Man

Into the Spider verse: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)Spider-ManGwen StacyPeter B. ParkerSpider-Man NoirPeni ParkerSpider-HamMay Parker • Ganke Lee • Wilson Fisk / KingpinProwlerDoctor OctopusTombstoneScorpionGreen Goblin

Video Games
Insomniac's Spider-Man Series: Miles Morales

The Avengers (comicsMarvel Animated UniverseMarvel Cinematic Universe) • Fantastic Four • Black Order • Enclave • Femme Fatales • Frightful Four • Wrecking Crew • H.A.M.M.E.R. • Life Foundation • Maggia • Savage Six • Sinister Syndicate • Spider-Slayers