Grand Pear is a supporting character in the television series, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He is the maternal grandfather of Applejack, Apple Bloom and Big McIntosh, the paternal great-grandfather of Big Sugar, and the father of their mother, Pear Butter.
In the series, he is voiced by William Shatner.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic[]
Grand Pear first appears in "The Perfect Pear," returning to Ponyville to reconnect with his grandchildren, Big Mac, Applejack and Apple Bloom.
In flashbacks, it was revealed that he had a rivalry with a competing farming family, the Apples. The rivalry extended all the way to the other members of the Pears and the Apples. However, the rivalry did not extend to Pear Butter and Bright Mac. After learning that Pear Butter and Bright Mac were in love, Grand Pear forced her to chose between being an Apple or a pear.
With his grandchildren's help, Grand Pear makes amends with Granny Smith, ends the feud between their families and sees the cross-spliced apple/pear tree that his daughter and son-in-law left behind.