Heroes and Villains Wiki

Gloriosa Daisy is a female human and the hidden main antagonist-turned-supporting protagonist in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree. She is the director of Camp Everfree and the older sister of Timber Spruce.


My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree[]

Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped[]

In the holiday special Holidays Unwrapped, Gloriosa is mentioned by Pinkie Pie when she recites her friends' names in "Saving Pinkie's Pie". She also makes a background appearance at the mall talking with her brother in "Dashing Through the Mall".

Other depictions[]

IDW comics[]

On My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights Issue #1 page 12 and Issue #3 pages 2-3, Gloriosa Daisy appears as an Earth pony in Princess Eris' casino.


Gloriosa Daisy appears in the book adaptations of Legend of Everfree, The Legend of Everfree and Legend of Everfree: Save Our Camp! Her role in the books is much the same as her role in the film.


Gloriosa Daisy appears in the Equestria Girls app.

Hasbro.com Legend of Everfree description[]

While the kindhearted, warm natured Gloriosa Daisy is always trying her best to make Camp Everfree the best it can possibly be, there is definitely a lot more she is hiding behind her always upbeat smile.

Main: Mane 6 (Twilight SparkleRainbow DashPinkie PieRarityApplejackFluttershySpike) • Humans 7 (Sunset ShimmerTwilight SparkleFluttershyPinkie PieApplejackRarityRainbow Dash

Secondary: Princess CelestiaPrincess LunaCutie Mark Crusaders (Apple BloomScootalooSweetie Belle) • DiscordPrincess CadanceShining ArmorStarlight Glimmer

Young Six: SandbarGallusSmolderSilverstreamOcellusYona

Other: Big McIntoshBraeburnBright MacBulk BicepsChancellor NeighsayCheerileeCheese SandwichCoco PommelFilthy RichFlash SentryFlurry HeartGildaGranny SmithKing SombraLittle StrongheartMaud PieMayor MarePear ButterTwilight Velvet and Night LightPrincess EmberRoyal GuardsSeabreezeSunburstThe Wonderbolts (SpitfireSoarin) • ThoraxTrixie LulamoonTrouble Shoes ClydeZecora, Pipsqueak, FeatherweightSunny Daze and Peachy PieSugar Belle, Little Strongheart

Other: Dean CadanceGloriosa DaisyIndigo ZapLemon ZestPrincipal CelestiaSour SweetSugarcoatSunny FlareSunset ShimmerTimber SpruceVice Principal Luna

Generation One: ArabusBeezenCatrinaDragon GangGrogarHydiaKing CharlatanLavanPrincess PorcinaQueen BumbleRaptoriansReeka & DraggleSmoozeSomnambulaSquirkLord Tirek

Equestria Girls: Dazzlings (Adagio DazzleAria BlazeSonata Dusk) • Principal CinchSnips and SnailsSunset Shimmer
Comics: AccordBad Apple ChupacabraMane Six (Ponies of the Dark Water)Nightmare RarityPrincess Celestia (Mirror Universe)PseudocornsRabiaShadowfrightVampiric Jackalope

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Apple Bloom's ShadowAhuizotlArimaspiBugbearChangelingsChimeraCockatriceCozy GlowDaybreakerDr. CaballeronDiamond DogsDiscordDragonsDragon Lord TorchFlim Flam BrothersGarbleGladmaneHydraKing SombraMane-iacMaulwurfMean SixNightmare MoonParaspritesPony of ShadowsPuckwudgiesQueen ChrysalisRocSable SpiritShadowboltsSmoozeSnips and SnailsSphinxStarlight GlimmerSvengallopTantabusTatzlwurmTimberwolvesTirekVampire Fruit BatsWindigos

Movie: GrubberStorm KingTempest Shadow

A New Generation: Sunny Starscout, Zipp Storm, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals, Sprout Cloverleaf

My Little Pony/Transformers: Optimus PrimeGreenlightArceeBumblebeeRatchetMegatronRavage