Glenn Talbot
Other names
Graviton General Talbot The Destroyer of Worlds (alternate future) Colonel Talbot
Brigadier General of the United States Air Force (formerly) Head of the ATCU (formerly) Leader of the Confederacy
Good, later Bad
United States Air Force (formerly) ATCU (formerly) Confederacy
Absorb more gravitonium to gain more power so he can protect the Earth from any incoming threats (failed)
Carla Talbot (wife)
George Talbot (Son)
Phil Coulson (formerly),
Melinda May (formerly),
Daisy Johnson (formerly),
Leo Fitz (formerly),
Jemma Simmons (formerly),
Alphonso Mackenzie (formerly),
Bobbi Morse ,
Lance Hunter ,
Lincoln Campbell ,
Yo-Yo Rodriguez (formerly),
Carl Creel (formerly),
President Ellis ,
Christian Ward ,
Maria Hill (formerly),
Jeffrey Mace ,
Deke Shaw (formerly),
Qovas ,
Taryan ,
Phil Coulson ,
Melinda May ,
Daisy Johnson ,
Leo Fitz ,
Jemma Simmons ,
Alphonso Mackenzie ,
Lincoln Campbell (formerly),
Yo-Yo Rodriguez ,
Antoine Triplett ,
Isabelle Hartley ,
Carl Creel ,
Maria Hill ,
Grant Ward ,
Agent 33 ,
Sunil Bakshi ,
Gideon Malick ,
Lash ,
Hive ,
Ellen Nadeer ,
Anton Ivanov ,
Holden Radcliffe ,
Aida ,
Deke Shaw ,
General Hale ,
Ruby Hale ,
Polly Hinton ,
Robin Hinton ,
Qovas (formerly),
Taryan (formerly),
Qolpakc (formerly),
His wife (formerly), his son, protecting the Earth from threats
HYDRA, being brainwashed, Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D.
Powers and abilities
Gravity manipulation Absorbing people Collective memories Enhanced durability Military training
Ejected into space by Quake
TV Series
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Portrayed by
Adrian Pasdar
Glenn Talbot is a recurring character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is one of the supporting protagonists turn major antagonist of ABC's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D .
He appears as a minor antagonist in Season 1, a major character in Seasons 2 through 4, before becoming one of the two main antagonists (alongside Kasius) of Season 5 as Graviton .
Talbot is portrayed by Adrian Pasdar, who also portrayed Morgan Edge in the 2015 Supergirl TV series.
Throughout the series, he was portrayed by Adrian Pasdar.