This article is about Johnny Blaze. For other characters who share the mantle, see Ghost Rider (Marvel) .
Ghost Rider
Full name
Johnathon Blaze
Other names
Johnny Blaze Johnny Bonehead Ghost Toasty J.B. Johnny-Cakes Matchstick Skullhead Whore of Heaven Brimstone Avenger Brimstone Biker Brother Blaze The Burning Man Dark Lord Devil Frank Ryder Spirit of Vengeance The Riding Ghost
Distinguishing Features
Fiery humanoid with a flaming skull head
Motorcycle stuntman (formerly), vigilante
Savage Avengers Midnight Sons (formerly) Quentin Carnival (formerly) Thunderbolts (formerly) Avengers of the Supernatural (formerly) The Nine (formerly) Legion of Monsters (formerly) The Champions (formerly) Defenders (formerly)
To avenge the blood of innocents, revive Robbie so he can take out malevolent people and save innocent people
Mephisto's Realm, Hell
Naomi Kale † (mother) Barton Blaze † (father) Crash Simpson † (foster father / father-in-law) Mona Simpson † (foster mother / mother-in-law)
Dan Ketch (brother)
Barbara Ketch † (sister)
Roxanne Simpson † (foster sister / wife)
Craig Blaze † (son)
Emma Blaze † (daughter)
Illyana Kale † (maternal ancestor) Destin Kale † (maternal ancestor) Dante Kale † (maternal distant relative) Noble Kale † (maternal ancestor) Magdelena Kale † (maternal ancestor) Maternal great-grandfather † Joshua Kale † (maternal grandfather) Jennifer Kale (maternal cousin) Andrew Kale † (maternal cousin)
Roxanne Simpson, Dixie, Robbie Reyes,
Black Widow ,
Angel ,
Iceman , Hercules,
Spider-Man ,
Blade ,
Morbius the Living Vampire ,
Doctor Strange , Werewolf by Night,
Man-Thing ,
Mr. Fantastic ,
Invisible Woman ,
The Thing ,
Human Torch ,
Wolverine ,
Hulk , Numecet, Harry O'Connor, Emmael and Vraniel
Mephisto (archenemy), Lucifer (nemesis), Blackheart, Jack O' Lantern, Vengeance, Lilith, Pluto,
Nightmare ,
Kingpin , Lady Bullseye, Punisher,
Venom , Zadkiel, Starseed, Daimon Hellstrom,
Doctor Strange (formerly), Harry O'Connor (formerly),
Hulk (formerly), Demons, Centurious
Saving innocent people, sending demons back to hell, killing bad guys
Evil people, demons
Powers and abilities
Superhuman physiology, fire manipulation, fire immunity, penance stare, drives a supernatural hell cycle
Ghost Rider Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Created by
Gary Friedrich, Mike Ploog
Johnny Blaze from Marvel Comics
“Prepare to suffer the sting of Ghost Rider's power! Prepare to know the true meaning of hell! ”
―Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider (real name Johnny Blaze ) is a supernatural entity named Zarathos originating from Marvel Comics as a superhero, by possession of a human host. He seeks vengeance on those who have evil in their heart, riding his Hell Cycle after making a deal with Mephisto to spare his adoptive father.