Genevieve Teague is one of the three main antagonists of season 4 of Smallville alongside her son Jason Teague and Margaret Isabel Thoreaux. She is a socialite woman whose family has searched for the legendary Stones of Power for years.
She was portrayed by Jane Seymour, who is famous for portraying Dr. Michaela Quinn from Dr Quinn Medicine Woman.
It is revealed in season 7 that Genevieve Vander husband Edward was a part of a secret organization known as Veritas. This group was designed to protect baby Kal-El when he came to Earth, and the Teagues were tasked with finding artifacts in ruins throughout the Earth. However, the Teagues abandoned the group, grew greedy, and wanted to finish what their ancestors started. Genevieve started by orchestrating a meeting between her son Jason and his then girlfriend Lana Lang, the descendant of her ancestor Gertrude's arch-enemy, Margaret Isobel Thoreaux.
Unfortunately, during Genevieve quest for these Stones of Power powers, she attacked Lana and her apartment. Isobel took over her descendant's body one last time, and she used the Stone of Air to finish her off. However, Lex Luthor covered Genevieve's death by claiming she died during the meteor shower of 2005, alongside her son.
Genevieve was a cold and person who cared about no one but herself and her family and the quest to retrieve the Stones of Power. Initially, she and her husband joined the Queens, the Swanns and the Luthors with the same goal of protecting the Kryptonian child, Kal-El (nicknamed the Traveller). However, Genevieve became obsessed, greedy and delusional thinking the stones belonged her when they really belonged to Kryptonians such as Kal-El. According to Lionel Luthor, Genevieve was a heartless woman and knew she was the one who murdered Dr. Bridgette Crosby, their former Veritas colleagues. And would do the same to Lex. She also allowed Jason to torture Lex in order to get Lionel to submit, once again establishing how heartless and cold Genevieve was.
It is also heavily implied that Genevieve was very abusive towards her son, enough to get Jason submissive of him. According to Lionel, Jason's devotion to his mother was stronger than his love to Lana. While Lana merely wanted to forget about these stones, Jason Teague did not, meaning this it's one of the factors that caused Lana and Jason to break up later. Genevieve manipulates Jason by noticing his jealousy towards Clark Kent when she reveals she will go after Lana herself. She tells Jason that if Lana was loyal to him, then maybe he wouldn't have chosen Clark over him.
Unlike most main villains on the show, Genevieve never learns about the truth about Clark's Kryptonian heritage. However, Jason (correctly) suspected Clark had some form of connection to the Stones but never really learned about him being an alien. Instead, Genevieve dismissed him nothing more than a simple farm boy without realizing he is the same "Traveller" she and her previous "friends" were tasked with protecting.
Appropriately, Lex realizes the similarities between Genevieve and Lionel, because they are both abusive, controlling and immoral. However, the difference is, Genevieve's relationship with Jason is much more toxic. While Lionel wanted to make Lex stronger, Genevieve wanted nothing more than a son who was submissive to her.
- Lionel and Genevieve had a romantic relationship in the past, presumably during their marriage. This idea should not be dismissed because Lionel had a reputation of being an abusive and unfaithful husband to Lillian and his preference towards redheads.
- Additionally throughout the show Lionel implies that Genevieve and Jason had incestuous relationship.
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