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My name is General Zod. I come from a world far from yours. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time, your world has sheltered one of my citizens. [...] To those of you who may know of his current location: the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this: surrender within 24 hours or watch this world suffer the consequences.
―General Zod’s message to the people of Earth.

General Dru-Zod (better known as General Zod) is the military leader of Krypton and the archenemy of Superman and a major antagonist in the DC Extended Universe. He is the main of antagonist of the 2013 film Man of Steel and a posthumous antagonist in the 2016 film Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. An alternate version of him is portrayed as the secondary antagonist of the 2023 film The Flash.

Genetically engineered to be the leader of the Kryptonian Warrior Guild, Zod is a fearless and determined warrior who lives by his programming to defend Krypton and ensure the survival of his species. Unlike his best friend Jor-El, Kyrpton’s leading scientist, Zod attempted to achieve this goal through force, leading him to found the Sword of Rao and seek to overthrow the Kryptonian government. In the ensuing civil war, Zod killed Jor-El, before being apprehended and sent to the Phantom Zone for his crimes. Ironically freed after the destruction of their homeworld, Zod and his surviving followers track down Jor-Ed’s son to Earth where they attempt to resurrect their fallen race at the cost of the Earth and its people.

He is portrayed by Michael Shannon



Like all other Kryptonians prior to Superman’s birth, Dru-Zod of House Zod was artificially born from a genesis chamber, machines that genetically engineered cloned Kryptonians for specific roles in Krypton’s civilization. In Zod’s case, he created specifically to become the leader of the Kryptonian Warrior Guild, the military caste of Krypton dedicated to the planet’s defense and security. In doing so, he was born with the necessary physical and mental features to become a fierce warrior and brilliant strategist. Determined to fulfill the purpose for his birth, Zod took his role as Krypton’s top military leader very seriously and sought to protect his homeworld. In his youth, he became best friends with Jor-El of house El, Krypton’s leading scientist, with Jor-El serving as a mentor-figure while Zod teaching him martial arts.

The two also shared a strong dislike and frustration with the Council of Krypton, the Ruling oligarchy that governed the planet. By the time of Zod and Jor-El’s youth, the once thriving planet Krypton had been ecologically devastated, as much of the planet’s resources had been used up due to the council’s incompetent policies. Both sought to heal their dying world and resume the ancient space exploration that the people of Krypton did before they switched to genetic engineering. Things worsened however, when the council decided to replace their exhausted energy reserves with energy from the planet’s core. Jor-El, having realized that doing so would cause the planet to implode, warned the council about this, but they constantly refused to listen. Both sought to save their race from extinction, both went about it in radically different ways, both involving the codex, the remains of an ancient Kryptonian that served as the genetic template for all the planet’s genesis chambers. Jor-El desired the codex as means of finding another planet and abandoning Krypton’s use of genetic engineering and birth programming, believing such things were what brought about Krypton’s fall. Zod however, sought to purge the codex’s memory of all the Kryptonian bloodlines he felt caused the planet’s disaster, including those belonging to the council members, whose decisions caused the planet’s core to become unstable. This way, after they settled on another planet, Zod would rebuild Krypton’s society along with its genetic engineering ways, but with only the Kryptonians he considered most fit for survival. These philosophical differences eventually caused Zod and Jor-El friendship to falter.

After Jor-El confirmed that Krypton was doomed to destruction because of the council’s abuse of the planet’s core, Zod felt he could no longer wait. Gaining a loyal following within his guild, which he named the Sword of Rao, in honor of his world’s sun and patron deity, Zod began plotting to overthrow the council. After his coup would be successful, he planned on taking the codex, finding a habitable world for his race, and terraforming it so that Krypton could rebuilt.


I exist only to protect Krypton. That is the sole purpose for which I was born. And every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people.

Genetically-engineered to be both a powerful warrior, a brilliant strategist, and a commanding officer, Dru-Zod is fearsome and steadfast soldier dedicated to both the protection of his planet and the survival of his race. Like all Kryptonians aside from Superman, Zod was born with thinking boundaries implanted within his DNA that compel him to carry out his assigned purpose. As such, typical of a Kryptonian, Zod is fairly dogmatic, possessing a limited ability to think outside of the purpose he was born to complete. This could be seen in his desire to eradicate humanity rather than coexisting with them as Jor-El implored, as he was programmed to care only for Kyrpton and thus was incapable of caring for other races and worlds. It also made him unable to fathom how Superman, a fellow Kryptonian, would choose protecting humanity over aiding him in his quest to terraform Earth, oblivious to the obvious fact that he was raised by humans and cared for them.

Being literally bred for combat, Zod is not only a skilled fighter, but is also highly tactical and strategic, possessing an IQ that rivals that of his former friend Jor-El. The failure of his coup coming not from failures in strategy, but merely due to a lack of numbers in comparison to the forces still loyal to the council. Zod was also very charismatic, being able to inspire steadfast, even fanatical, loyalty among his soldiers. So much so that they were willing to follow him even after his coup was failed and their world was destroyed.

Despite being a gifted strategist, Zod has a strong temper and can be very impatient when things don’t go his way. While he usually expresses subtle anger during intense situations, Zod is capable of profound fits of rage that can make even the bravest of men stagger in fear. His will-power is very strong as well. Even when powerless and shackled during his trial, Zod refused to be intimidated, instead ragingly shouting at the council and defiantly spitting at their feet. His strong will also enabled him to quickly overcome the sensory-overload after being exposed to Earth’s atmosphere, something that took Superman years to do. His determination and willpower even allowed him to master his Kryptonian powers in minutes as compared to Superman who needed hours of practice to master them.

Zod’s only true fear is failing his reason for living. When Superman was about to destroy the last genesis chamber, Zod looked on with horror and went as far as begging his enemy not to destroy Krypton’s last hope for resurrection. Zod follows a a personal consequentialist philosophy, willing to go to absolutely any lengths to ensure the survival of his species, no matter how horrific the actions may be. This even includes the genocide of all life on Earth, which he was willing to do with little to know hesitation. This view also makes him willing to do harm to his fellow Kryptonians, if he feels they stand his way or if they are necessary loses for the greater good of his people as a whole. He also shows disdain for Kryptonians he feels are defective and unfit for existence, particularly the defective bloodlines on the Kryptonian High Council and the naturally born Superman.

Despite this, Zod is, in truth, not sociopathic. Contrary to the stereotypical fascist military leader, he does not crave power nor does he commit his violent acts out of selfishness, but out of a tremendous desire to help his people. Many times he has shown remorse for his violent deeds, especially killing his best friend Jor-El, to the point where it haunted him for the rest of his life. Also unlike typical military tyrants, Zod values his followers and cares about their well-being, as he was devastated when they were re-imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, and even comforted his second-in-command Flora after Krypton’s destruction. This also briefly extended to Superman upon their first face to face meeting. Despite having wanted to kill Superman when he was a baby, due to him being naturally birthed, Zod abandoned this hatred by the time of their first meeting, seeing him as a fellow Kyrptonian survivor. He is not a sadist either, taking no pleasure in his violent actions, merely seeing them as means to an end. It has also been said many times by Jor-El that Zod was a much more noble individual in his youth, but the thinking boundaries in his DNA combined with the stress of his position turned him into the fanatical monster he became.

After all hope of restoring Kyrpton had been lost and his followers were permanently trapped in the Phantom Zone, Zod was devastated to the point of tears. Having failed his purpose and unable to adapt to any other role due to his thinking boundaries, Zod was filled with even greater anger and attempted to kill Superman and all of humanity out of spite. However, Zod, in actuality, wished to die due his lost purpose, and thus forced Superman into a situation that compelled the hero to put the general out of his misery.

Powers and Abilities[]


Kryptonian Physiology: As a Kryptonian, General Zod's bone structure is almost identical to that of a human. On a planet near a red class M main-sequence star (like Krypton with its sun Rao), Zod would have physical attributes nearly identical to those of humans, but if on a planet near a yellow G-type main-sequence star (like Earth), he has many new abilities and powers, all of them far beyond the capabilities of humans, making him appear godlike. While Zod's body initially had problems adapting to the new planet's atmosphere, he was able to do so shortly before his final battle with fellow Kryptonian Superman. Due to Zod's ruthlessness and complete lack of restraint, he never withheld his tremendous power, which initially allowed him to dominate Superman (despite the latter's superior solar energy supply), with Zod claiming that he would single-handedly wipe out the entire human race.

  • Superhuman Strength: General Zod has a tremendous level of superhuman strength, virtually incalculable, as he can carry millions of tons. He can generate large shock-waves with his mighty punches, he can effortlessly hurl cars, trucks, and massive artificial satellites great distances, instantly destroy mountain tops, and fight evenly against and even gain the upper hand against Superman, who barely managed to defeat Zod. Zod managed to punch Superman hard enough to send him flying up the entire height of a skyscraper, and hurl Superman with enough force for the latter's body to penetrate many skyscrapers in rapid succession before it even started to slow down (briefly knocking Superman out in the process). Zod could even generate enough force to break through the invulnerability of a fellow Kryptonian, as his blows are strong enough to harm Superman despite his invulnerability, much like Superman did, when the latter broke General Zod's otherwise invulnerable neck. Zod is even able to use his incredible strength to perform super jumps, such as when he scaled a skyscraper in only a few leaps while pursuing Superman.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: General Zod's body is virtually indestructible. Hence, he can withstand the extreme heat of massive explosions, the extreme cold of the Arctic, exposure to the vacuum of outer space, falls from great heights, high-caliber bullets, anti-tank depleted uranium rounds, Maverick missiles, plasma bolts from Kryptonianweaponry, other Kryptonians' heat vision (though it does cause him burning pain), and even numerous mighty blows from fellow Kryptonian Superman. While Zod can be affected by the considerable force of powerful impacts, they only at most cause him to stumble and briefly knock him down, leaving him unscathed. The only known things capable of breaking through Zod's invulnerability and harming him are beings of comparable incalculable strength, as they are strong enough to physically break through his invulnerability, shown when Superman could harm Zod and eventually managed to break Zod's otherwise invulnerable neck, killing him, although it took Superman quite a bit of effort.
  • Superhuman Speed: General Zod can run, fly and react at incredible supersonic speeds (of over Mach 900). During his final duel, Zod was able to land several blows on Superman before the latter could react.
    • Superhuman Reflexes: General Zod's speed seems to extend to his reflexes as well, as he managed to catch several punches from the equivalently fast Superman, and avoid several strikes from his equally fast opponent.
  • Superhuman Stamina: General Zod rarely grows tired if he is continuously powered by the yellow sun of Earth. He doesn't need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. Hence, he can survive flying into outer space and diving underwater. He ferociously battled with Superman without ever needing to slow down and catch his breath.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: General Zod, in the rare instances, when he is hurt, is capable of healing at superhuman speeds, especially in direct sunlight. However, if the injuries are serious enough to instantly kill him, his healing factor will not be able to save him, which is what happened when Superman killed him by breaking Zod's neck.
    • Longevity: As long as it continued to absorb energy from a G-type main sequence star, such as Earth's Sun, Zod was immune to aging and disease and could live for millennia. Although, he could not die of natural causes, as long as Earth's yellow Sun fed him, he could still be killed, if another Kryptonian of higher strength is able to kill him with brutal force, as happened when Superman broke his neck, making it as vulnerable as humans.
  • Flight: General Zod can fly due to him being able to manipulate his gravity field (since Earth's gravity is lighter than Krypton's) and absorbing yellow sunlight. Combined with his speed, Zod can fly at tremendous supersonic speeds, allowing him to take off into the atmosphere and even outer space and land safely back onto the planet's surface with ease. He can also maneuver with great precision in any direction, as well as hover in one place. He quickly mastered the power of flight to the point that he was able to easily keep up with the more experienced flyer Superman as their battle continued in the air, and outer space.
  • Superhuman Vision: General Zod has eyesight far beyond that of humans. He possesses a superior sensory arrangement of telescopic, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray visual capabilities. He can see the entire electromagnetic spectrum when he desires, through mental focus. However, when his visor first broke open, he was initially overwhelmed by his multiple spectrum vision, though he managed to hone his senses and bypass that weakness shortly before his final duel with Superman.
    • X-ray Vision: General Zod, when his visor first broke open, was initially overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of his X-ray vision (which enabled him to see through all objects and people), and was unable to control it. However, he was finally able to gain control over it through focus before his final duel.
    • Heat Vision: General Zod can fire thick beams of intense heat at a target by looking at it with the conscious act of activating this power. Visually, the power manifests as two thick laser-like beams of orange light firing from his eyes. Zod can utilize it to stun other Kryptonians (causing them burning pain on impact), and used it to quickly bring down an entire building in a single blast, and almost succeeded in burning innocent bystanders alive with it. Seemingly, Zod's heat bursts are more destructive than that of Superman, as he casually destoyed entire building with it.
  • Superhuman Hearing: General Zod, when his visor first broke open, was initially overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of his hearing (which enabled him to simultaneously perceive numerous feeble and far noises very clearly, including both infrasound and ultrasound), and was unable to control it. However, Zod was finally able to gain control over it through focus before his final battle, now being able to exclude ambient sounds to focus on a specific source or frequency.
