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The Gatomon is a character from the anime/manga Digimon Adventure franchise.


Digimon Adventure[]


Powers and Abilities[]

  • Lightning Paw (ネコパンチ Neko Punch?, lit. "Cat Punch"): Uses its long claws and attacks the opponent.
    • Lightning Paw Rush
    • Final Lightning Paw
  • Cat's Eye Hypnotism (Cat's Eye): Manipulates the opponent with a piercing glare, causing the opponent to attack themselves.
  • Lightning Kick (ネコキック Neko Kick?, lit. "Cat Kick"): A super-fast flying kick.
  • Cat Tail: Uses its cute tail to slap the enemy.
  • Cat Laser: Emits an incredible beam of light.
    • Cat Laser Combo
  • Cat Claw Fury (ネコスクラッチ Neko Scratch?, lit. "Cat Scratch"): Uses its claws to dig through hard surfaces.
  • Cat Trip (Tail Tip): Pounces on the enemy with its foreclaws.
  • Megakick (Mega Kick): A downward kick from the air.
  • Nekodamashi (猫だまし? lit. "Cat Trick"): A midair flip that hits the opponent with its tail.
  • One-Two Neko Punch (ワンツー猫パンチ? lit. "One-Two Cat Punch"): Strikes twice with its claws
  • Neko Rush (猫ラッシュ? lit. "Cat Rush"): Back-flips to hit the opponent with its tail.
  • Neko Finish (猫フィニッシュ? lit. "Cat Finish"): Launches itself into a headbutt.
  • Zutsuki (頭突き? lit. "Headbutt"): Headbutts the enemy.
  • Heaven Knuckle (Heaven's Knuckle): Punches with a holy iron fist.
  • Scratch: Scratches the enemy.
  • Cat Dropkick: Dropkicks the enemy.
  • Spinning Cat Kick: A spinning kick with of its both feet.
  • Cat Typing Kick: Repeatedly kicks the enemy while in the air.
  • Side Cat Tail: Twirls, whipping the enemy with its tail.
  • Power Cat Hammer: Hits the enemy with both paws.
    • Power Cat Hammer Slam

