Captain Shazam Jr.
Full name
Frederick Christopher "Freddy" Freeman
Other names
CM3, Lieutenant Marvel, Shazam, Shazam Jr., King Shazam, Shazam Sky
Marvel/Shazam Family Teen Titans Outsiders Young Justice Justice League
Victor Vasquez (foster father) Rosa Vasquez (foster mother)
Billy Batson (foster brother) Darla Dudley (foster sister) Egene Choi (foster brother) Mary Bromfield (foster sister) Pedro Pena (foster brother)
Darla Dudley, Eugene Choi, Lady Shazam (Mary Bromfield), Pedro Peña, Black Adam (sometimes), Beast Boy, Nightwing, Donna Troy, Argent, Bumblebee, Bushido, Kon-El, Martian Manhunter, Atom (Ray Palmer), Roy Harper, Stargirl, Supergirl, Starfire, Superman, Batman, The Flash, Jay Garrick, Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, Batwoman, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Bette Kane, Hal Jordan, Katana, Vixen, Wally West, Cassandra Cain, Zatanna
Black Adam (sometimes), Doctor Sivana, Seven Deadly Sins, Monster Society of Evil, King Kid, Anti-Monitor, Granny Goodness,
Superboy Prime , Steppenwolf, Psycho-Pirate, Queen of Hearts, Vandal Savage,
Darkseid , Dasaad, Fear, Loathing, Ice King, King Kull, Kalibak, Lady Blaze, Lilith, Merlin
Powers and abilities
Wisdom of Solomon: Enhanced intellect, knowledge and focus of the gods
Strength of Hercules: Superhuman Strength
Stamina of Atlas: Superhuman stamina and near-invulnerability
Power of Zeus: Control over magic lightning, near-immortality, and spell-casting
Courage of Achilles: Indomitable will
Speed of Mercury: Superhuman Speed Teleportation via the Rock of Eternity
Created by
France Herron Mac Raboy
Frederick Christopher "Freddy" Freeman (also known as Shazam Jr. and Captain Marvel Jr. is a supporting character in the DC Comics, appearing in the Shazam , Young Justice and Teen Titans franchise.
He was created by France Herron and Mac Raboy and made his debut in Whiz Comics #25 (December 1941).