Heroes and Villains Wiki

Frank Zhang is a protagonist in the Riordanverse. He is one of the seven main protagonists and narrators of the Heroes of Olympus and a minor character in the Trials of Apollo novel Tower of Nero. He is the son of Marrs and Emily Zhang.


He is a Roman demigod, the son of Mars and Emily Zhang, as well as a legacy of Poseidon, meaning he distantly related to Percy Jackson and Tyson, who they have adopted as a brother. Frank is one of the seven demigods mentioned in the Prophecy of Seven and is the current male Praetor of the Twelfth Legion. He is currently in a relationship with Hazel Levesque. He is affectionately called  Fai Zhang by his grandmother, Grandma Zhang.

Powers and Abilities[]


Main Characters
Percy JacksonGrover UnderwoodAnnabeth ChaseTysonClarisse La RueThalia GraceNico di AngeloChironLuke CastellanRachel Elizabeth Dare

Minor Characters: Travis StollConnor StollMrs. O'LearySilena BeauregardCharles BeckendorfSally JacksonPaul BlofisBlackjackZoë NightshadeBianca di AngeloJuniperMichael YewEthan NakamuraKatie GardnerMiranda GardinerDaedalus
Olympian Gods: Zeus HeraPoseidonDemeterAresAthenaApolloArtemisHephaestusAphroditeHermesDionysusHadesHestia
Minor Gods: AmphitriteAriadneHecateIrisJanusMorpheusNemesisPanPersephoneTriton

Olympians • DemigodsCamp Half-Blood membersTitan Army - Olympian Army
Camp Half-Blood
Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clariss La Rue (Percy Jackson Films), Kronos, Hades
TV Series
Main Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood

Secondary Characters: Sally JacksonChironLuke CastellanClarisse La RueChris Rodriguez
Minor Characters: Nancy BobofitGabe UglianoEddieOracle of DelphiThalia Grace • Ferdinand Underwood • Nereid • Fates • Augustus • Nico di AngeloBianca di Angelo • Charon
Greek Gods: ZeusPoseidonHadesDionysusHermesAresAthenaHephaestus
Titans: Kronos
Monsters: AlectoMinotaurMedusaEchidnaChimeraProcrustesCerberus
