Eugene Fitzherbert (better known as Flynn Rider) is the deuteragonist of Disney's 2010 animated feature film, Tangled. A swashbuckler known for his charm and quick-wit, Flynn made a name for himself as a notorious thief. In a turn of events following years of travel and plunder, however, he experienced a change of heart upon falling in love with Rapunzel, the lost princess of Corona.
I've Got a Dream (with Rapunzel and the Snuggly Duckling Thugs)
Life After Happily Ever After (with Rapunzel and Frederic)
Ready as I'll Ever Be (with Varian, Frederic, Rapunzel, and Cassandra)
Next Stop, Anywhere (with Rapunzel and Cassandra)
With You by My Side (with Rapunzel and Cassandra)
Stronger Than Ever Before (with Rapunzel, Lance, and Cast)
Through It All (with Cast)
Life After Happily Ever After (Finale) (with Rapunzel, and her parents)
Next Stop, Anywhere (with Rapunzel and Cassandra)
With You by My Side (with Rapunzel and Cassandra)
Differences from the Source Material
Zachary Levi auditioned for the role and got it with a British accent. Later, this idea was dropped and Levi read for the role with his own American accent instead.
Dan Fogler and Clay Aiken was also considered for the role at one time.
With the reveal that King Edmund is Eugene's father in "Destinies Collide", it is confirmed that Eugene is 25 and later 26 years old in "Cassandra's Revenge") during the series.
Eugene doesn't know his actual birthday. Rapunzel decided to grant him a birthday in "Lost and Found", though he later learns it in "Cassandra's Revenge".
Eugene is the exact opposite of Mother Gothel. Unlike Gothel, he truly cares for Rapunzel and loves her whereas Gothel only loves Rapunzel for her hair, due to it being able to heal anything or anyone. Eugene's love for Rapunzel was declared when he sacrificed himself and freed her from Gothel's cruel and wicked ways.