Fluttershy (Equestria Girls)
Other names
Ms. Fluttershy
Darling (by Rarity)
Distinguishing Features
Teenager with long pink hair, yellow skin, teal eyes
Student at Canterlot High school
Rainbooms' tambourinist Caretaker at Canterlot animal shelter
Humane 7 Canterlot High School
Join the Rainbooms, and defeat the Dazzlings (2nd film; succeeded)
Defeat the Shadowbolts in the Friendship Games. (formerly) Join the Shadowbolts in the Friendship Games Save Camp Everfree (4th film; succeeded)
Zephyr Breeze (brother)
Sunset Shimmer ,
Rainbow Dash ,
Rarity ,
Pinkie Pie ,
Applejack ,
Princess Twilight Sparkle ,
Spike the Dragon ,
Twilight Sparkle (Sci-Twi) ,
Spike ,
Starlight Glimmer ,
Vice Principal Luna ,
Principal Celestia ,
Dean Cadence ,
Sugarcoat ,
Sour Sweet ,
Lemon Zest ,
Indigo Zap ,
Wallflower Blush ,
Sunny Flare ,
Juniper Montage ,
Vignette Valencia ,
Flash Sentry
Sunset Shimmer (formerly),
Adagio Dazzle ,
Aria Blaze ,
Sonata Dusk ,
Principal Cinch ,
Sugarcoat (formerly),
Sour Sweet (formerly),
Lemon Zest (formerly),
Indigo Zap (formerly),
Wallflower Blush (formerly),
Sunny Flare (formerly),
Gaia Everfree ,
Juniper Montage (formerly),
Vignette Valencia (formerly)
Nature, taking care of pets, helping her friends
Crowds, people ruining her friendship, evil and villainous threats.
Powers and abilities
Math skills
Power of Element of Kindness Ability to Talk to Animals
My Little Pony Equestria Girls Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Equestria Girls: Friendship Games Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped
Shorts & Specials
Rainbow Rocks Friendship Games Equestria Girls: Dance Magic Equestria Girls: Movie Magic Equestria Girls: Mirror Magic Equestria Girls: Summertime Shorts
TV Series
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Choose Your Own Ending
Fluttershy' s human counterpart appears in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls film series. She is a student at Canterlot High School, an animal rescue center volunteer, and tambourine player for the Rainbooms. She is one of the five deuteragonists of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls , one of the five main protagonists of Rainbow Rocks , one of the five tritagonists of Friendship Games , and Legend of Everfree , one of the seven main protagonists of the Equestria Girls miniseries, the specials, and the Summertime Shorts , and a major character in the digital series.