Heroes and Villains Wiki

Flashback is a minor character on the Disney XD series Mighty Med. He is a superhero who is able to let individuals relive their moments. Kaz and Oliver once had Flashback show Skylar Storm everything he and Oliver dealt with covering the Arcturion.His powers are a contrast to the superhero Timeline, who has the ability to predict the future, as seen in the Season 1 episode, It's Not the End of the World.

Powers and Abilities[]

Retrocognition: This ability shows who did what at that particular time.

Main Characters: KazOliverSkylar StormAlan Diaz

Mighty Med employees: Horace Diaz/CaduceoBennyLizard ManPhilipAgent BlaylockAmbroseSimonThermometer ManFred

Normos: GusJordanStefanie

Superheroes: TectonSolar FlareBlue TornadoCaptain AtomicNeoCortexTimelineTitanioBrain MatterGray GraniteOptimoThe Great DefenderJade/RemixIncognitoThe CrusherOwl GirlMesmeraAlley CatSpotlightDark WarriorSpark SnowstormHapax the ElderQueen HornetCitadelAbsolute ZeroAmicus & HaroldArachniaBrain MatterDark WarriorDisgustoFlashbackKey Keeper VIIIMr. QuickOwl GirlReplikateRewindRobo CannonSurgeThe Great DefenderThe Human BladeValkira

Supervillains: Wallace and Clyde/CatastropheMegahertzExperionThe AnnihilatorBridget/Mr. TerrorMortSlaughter MasterNightstrikeSoul SlayerThe IncineratorThe IncapacitatorGulliver and ChazSonic ShriekThe Black FalconThe ExterminatorDr. WrathDreadlockRevengeanceWi-FiArgentoThe DracainaUnit-238MicrosHunter Bounty

Guest Characters: Chase DavenportAdam DavenportBree DavenportLeo Dooley

Other: Kakai-Rata-Hee-Haw-Mwuaak-Floopy-Pa-zoingDawg

Mighty MedCaldera