The Fire Nation are the main antagonists of the TV series Avatar: The Last Airbender and major protagonists in the upcoming TV series, The Legend of Korra.
They are one of the four nations, alongside the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom and the Air Nomads and five sovereign states. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord and home to most firebenders.
Fire Lords[]
- Fire Lord Yosor
- Fire Lord Gonryu - eventually succeeded by his descendant, Chaeryu
- Fire Lord Chaeryu - succeeded by his secondary son Zoryu
- Fire Lord Zoryu - succeeded by his descendant Sozin
- Fire Lord Sozin's father - Former Fire Lord; c. 58 BG-
- Fire Lord Sozin - 58 BG - 20 AG; succeeded by Azulon
- Fire Lord Azulon - 20 - 95 AG; succeeded by his son Ozai
- Fire Lord Ozai -95 - 100 AG; succeeded by his son Zuko
- Lord Zuko – 100 - 167 AG; abdicated in succeeded by his daughter Izumi
- Fire Lord Izumi - 167 AG - present
Royal Family[]
- Fire Lady Sulan - Fire Lord Chaeryu's wife
- Princess Zeisan - fire lord Sozin's younger sister
- Chaejin - Fire Lord Chaeryu's illegitimate first born son
- Fire Lady Ilah
- General Iroh I - formerly crowned prince of the Fire Nation and passed over as heir by Ozai; Fire Lord Ozai; zuko's uncle and adoptive father
- Lu Ten - Crown Prince. Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, son of Iroh and cousin of Zuko; died during the Siege of Ba Sing Se.
- Princess Azula - fire Lord Ozai's youngest child and only daughter and Zuko's younger sister, as Well as Fire Lord Izumi's aunt and Iroh II's great-aunt. was appointed as acting fire lord by Ozai, never crowned the Fire Lord
- General Iroh II - Fire Lord Izumi's son and Zuko's grandson
- Izumi's daughter - Iroh II's younger sister and Zuko's granddaughter, princess of the Fire Nation
- Huazo - Chaeryu's mistress and mother of his son Chaejin
Avatars and Family[]
- Avatar Roku -
- Ta Min
- Magistrate Jinzuk
- Rina
- Princess Ursa - Ozai's ex-wife and Azula and Zuko's mother; as well as Izumi's grandmother.
- Noren
- Kiyi
- Bujing - General
- Iroh - General (retired)
- Shinu - General
- Shu - General
- Mak - General
- Mung - General
- Mongke - Colonel
- Shinu - Colonel
- Chey - Captain (deserted)
- Unnamed guard captain
- Chan - Admiral
- Jeong Jeong - Admiral (deserted)
- Liang - Admiral
- Admiral Zhao (Live-Action) - Admiral
- Unnamed commander of the Southern Raiders
- Yon Rha - Commander (retired)
- Azula's ship captain
- Li - Captain
- Jee - Lieutenant
- Qin - War minister
- Fire Sages
- High Sage
- Great Sage
- Kaja
- Shyu
- Combustion Man
- Elua
- Fat
- Piandao (former)
- Ukano - Governor
- Mai
- Ty Lee
- Ty Lee's sisters
- Tom-Tom
- Chit Sang
- Rough Rhinos
- Yuyan Archers
- Southern Raiders
- Mung
- Yon Rha
- Offshore Prison Warden
- Boiling Rock Warden
- Under fire lord Sozin's rule, He was the one who made the sports of killing dragons popular and outlawed same-sex couples in his kingdom. Apart from her brother's cruelty, this was one of the many reasons why his sister Princess Zeisan defected from the Fire Nation due to her being secretly showing interest in women.
- During Zuko's rule, he brought about a new era of peace and love throughout the nation with his best friend Avatar Aang's help. He later abdicated from the throne and his daughter Izumi took over.
- Under Fire Lord Izumi's rule, she wanted to stray away from imperialism and prevent her people from going down the same path they once went on. She is so far, the only female Fire Lord in the series and the first one to not be a Firebender.
- Zuko was the youngest Fire Lord in the Fire Nation at the age of sixteen. He is also the only fire Lord to: abdicated his throne and break the cycle of bad parenting, having raised his daughter with the happy childhood she never had.
- Technically, Izumi's heir is Iroh, but his status as a general in the United Forces makes that uncertain and making it possible that his younger sister, Izumi's daughter, is next in line.
- However, on another hand, Iroh II may still be next in line because his Great Uncle Iroh was both a general and the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation before his son's death at Ba Sing Se. Another major difference is that his namesake was passed over as the heir when Iroh II's great-grandmother, Ursa poisoned his great-great grandfather, Azulon.
Gen I: Aang (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Appa (Netflix) • Katara (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Momo (Netflix) • Sokka (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Zuko (The Last Airbender - Netflix) • Suki (Netflix) • Toph Beifong Avatars Order of the White Lotus Air Nomads Fire Nation Water Tribe Spirits Other |