The Female Autobots are a group of Cybertronian women who are affiliated with their male counterparts, the Autobots. They are led by Elita-One.
Original Series[]
- The Ark: Ship of the Autobots sometimes used by femme bots when in missions with their male counterparts
- First Hidden Base: In the Generation 1 cartoon the female Autobots took refuge at a hidden base located underground on Earth. Base destroyed by shockwave when he discovered their survival.
- Second Hidden Base: also in the generation one cartoon. A secret headquarters was given to the Femme Bots by Alpha Trion.
Transformers Film Series[]
- NEST Headquarters: In the Cinematic Universe, some female Autobots lived there prior to the Fallen's war on the Earth
- Elita One (leader)
- Chromia
- Firestar
- Moonracer
- Greenlight (cartoon)
- Lancer (cartoon)
- Arcee (Dreamwave comics)