Heroes and Villains Wiki

That's Fear. He's really good at keeping Riley safe.
Joy, opening narration

Fear is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Anger and Disgust) of Pixar's Inside Out franchise. He is the purple emotion of fear and one of the five primary emotions inside the mind of Riley Andersen. He appears to be very paranoid and unsure of himself, and often tries to protect Riley from danger, a description that matches his name.

Inside Out: The Emotions (JoySadnessFearDisgustAnger) • Mrs. Andersen's EmotionsMr. Andersen's EmotionsBing BongRainbow UnicornThe ForgettersJangles the ClownJangles's EmotionsRiley AndersenMrs. AndersenMr. AndersenMegFrank and DaveJordanFritz Brazilian Helicopter PilotMind Workers

Inside Out 2: New Emotions (AnxietyEnvyEmbarrassmentEnnuiNostalgia) • Val OrtizBloofyPouchyLance SlashbladeDeep Dark Secret

Riley's Mind: Emotion HeadquartersLong Term MemoryImagination LandDream ProductionsAbstract ThoughtPersonality IslandsSubconsciousMemory DumpBelief SystemSar-Chasm

Real Life locations: Riley's HouseBay Area Skills CampBay Area High School

Memory OrbsCore Memory OrbsTrain of ThoughtDaydreamsBottomless BagRocket WagonPixar BallA113Pizza Planet TruckSense of Self