Heroes and Villains Wiki

Benedict Uno, also known as Father is the main antagonist of Codename: Kids Next Door.  He is the president and owner of Evil Adult Industries Inc, one of the most powerful villains in the series and the adoptive father and boss of The Delightful Children From Down The Lane. He is the arch-nemesis of the entire Kids Next Door organisation. Father is also Nigel Uno's uncle and Monty Uno's younger brother.



Father is a black, shadowy silhouette of a man with a pipe and pompadour. He is slender, but apparently still well-built, and unlike the other characters in the show, who are made up of round shapes, he is made up of mostly sharp angles. However, this is later revealed to be only a suit, and underneath it he has red, square glasses with yellow lenses, black hair, red overalls, a white dress shirt, and a bow tie.


Father has a very harsh temper, often bursting into flames whenever he gets angry. He also is shown to be sassy, particularly when confronted with stupid questions from various henchmen. However, he is also charismatic, and a skilled liar, once even convincing the entire KND organization that he truly wanted to help them, despite the fact they all knew of his previous attempts to destroy them.

He seems to despise children who dare to defy adults, tolerating only his own. He frequently refers to children as "snot-nosed brats" and other insults generally directed at kids.
