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Félicité Fraser is the third child of Fergus and Marsali Fraser, and grandchild of Jamie and Claire Fraser.

Personal History[]

Félicité is born in May 1772, when her parents are living on Fraser's Ridge. She is only about a year and a half younger than her sister Joan, and the pair are referred to by their grandfather as the "Hell-Kittens."


A Breath of Snow and Ashes[]

Félicité spends the first few years of her life on the Ridge, where she is close to her grandparents. In 1773, her uncle Roger MacKenzie gives her a hand-carved toy car, though she and the other children refer to as a "vroom."

In October 1773, her younger brother Henri-Christian is born. She is present for a frightening incident wherein Henri-Christian is placed in the creek by several boys on the Ridge.

In 1774, Félicité moves with her parents and siblings from Fraser's Ridge to New Bern.

An Echo in the Bone[]

In 1777, Félicité and her family move to Philadelphia, where they live above the printshop on Market Street. She and her sister occasionally "help" their grandmother with medical-related tasks.

Written in My Own Heart's Blood[]

In September 1778, a fire spread throughout the printshop and it burned to the ground, Joan and her sister were present for Henri-Christian's fall and devastated by his death.

After Henri-Christian's death, Félicité and her family moved south to Savannah, before settling in Charleston.


She is an excellent speller, mostly because she and Joan have been playing with the discarded lead type since they were toddlers. She's a deep sleeper, who is one of the last to wake up when the Philadelphia print shop catches fire.

Physical Appearance[]

Like her father, Félicité is dark-haired and fine-boned. She is described by Claire as the spitting image of Fergus,[1] though she later notes a resemblance to Marsali's sister Joan as well.[2]


  • Félicité is the French form of Felicitas,[3] a late Latin name which meant "good luck, fortune".[4]
  • Fraser may be derived from Fredarius, Fresel or Freseau. Another suggestion is that the Frasers were a tribe in Roman Gaul, whose badge was a strawberry plant.[5]



  1. A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Chapter 27.
  2. An Echo in the Bone. Chapter=27.
  3. Behind the Name: Félicité. Accessed 27 May 2016.
  4. Behind the Name: Felicitas. Accessed 27 May 2016.
  5. Way, George and Squire, Romily. Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia. (Foreword by The Rt Hon. The Earl of Elgin KT, Convenor, The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs). Published in 1994. Pages 142 - 143.