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Estella Brandybuck (née Bolger) is a fictional character in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. She is Merry Brandybuck's wife and Fatty Bolger's younger sister. 


Estella was the second child of Odovacar Bolger and Rosamunda Took. She was present at Bilbo's Farewell Party. During childhood, she was acquainted with her brother's best friends, Merry, Pippin and Frodo.

Her older brother, Fredegar, was well acquainted with Meriadoc Brandybuck, and Estella eventually married him after the War of the Ring.


  • Tolkien added Estella to the family trees in Appendix C in the mid-1960s during the revisions that led to the second edition of The Lord of the Rings.
  • For unclear reasons she did not initially appear in the hardcover edition, but Estella was finally added to the hardcover edition after an update to the text in 1987. 
Both Series
Bilbo BagginsSauronGandalfGaladrielSarumanFrodo BagginsElrondOtho Sackville-BagginsLobelia Sackville-BagginsGloinGollumWitch-king of Angmar

The Hobbit: Thorin OakenshieldBalinDwalinFiliKiliBifurBofurBomburDoriNoriOriOinBard the BowmanTaurielSigridTildaBainSmaugAzog the DefilerBolgRadagast the BrownThráinThrórBelladonna TookOld TookThe ThrushElros the GuardGalionFerenElves of Mirkwood
The Lord of the Rings: AragornMerry BrandybuckPippin TookSam GamgeeGimliLegolasFaramirBoromirThéodenÉowynÉomerLord DenethorArwenGríma WormtongueHamaGamlingHaldirMouth of SauronKing of the DeadShadowfaxFatty BolgerTom BombadilGoldberryEstella Bolger
The Silmarillion: ManwëVardaMorgothEru IlúvatarManwëAulëTulkasYavannaVánaOromëLórienNiennaEstëVairëNessaUlmoMandos

RohirrimFellowship of the RingThorin and CompanyDurin's Folk
Mordor, Gondor, Erebor, Blue Mountains, The Shire (Bag End, Hobbiton, Green Dragon), Bree