Eragon Bromsson
Other names
Eragon Shadeslayer Eragon Bromsson Bane of the Ra'Zac Argetlam Firesword Kingkiller
Distinguishing Features
Brown hair (blonde in the film), and brown eyes (blue in the film)
Leader of the dragon riders
Dragon Riders
Varden (formerly) Dûrgrimst Ingeitum (formerly)
Defeat King Galbatorix and save Alagaësia Rebuild the Dragon riders' population (formerly)
Alagaësia (formerly)
Brom † (biological father)
Selena † (biological mother) Morzan † (stepfather) Marian † (Adoptive mother/maternal aunt by marriage) Garrow (adoptive father/maternal uncle) King Hrothgar (foster father)
Murtagh (maternal older half-brother) King Orik (foster brother) Roran (maternal cousin/adoptive brother)
Arya (love interest)
Ismira (maternal cousin once-removed)
Cadoc (maternal grandfather) Holcomb (paternal grandfather) Nelda (paternal grandmother) Palancar (maternal ancestor)
Saphira Brightscales (dragon/partner of heart and mind) Arya Dröttning (best friend/love interest) Nasuada (best friend/former superior) King Hrothgar (close friend/father figure) King Orik (close friend/surrogate brother) Nar Garzhvog (friend) Blödhgarm (friend/assigned companion) Oromis (mentor) Glaedr (mentor) Angela (friend) Trianna (brief love-interest) Thorn (brother's dragon)
King Galbatorix (deceased)
Durza (deceased) Ra'zac/Lethrblaka † Urgals (formerly, mind controlled) Murtagh (formerly, unwillingly) Thorn (formerly, unwillingly)
Helping protect his country and saving dragons, dragons, Arya, his friends and family
His half brothers betrayal, Selena apparently abandoning him
Powers and abilities
Gifted Intellect
Expert Tactician Master Hunter Skilled in reading body language Skilled Storyteller Indomitable WillpowerMaster Combatant
Master Swordsman Master Archer Weapon Versatility Magical Mastery
Master Spellcaster Spell Creativity Master Wizard Duelist Powerful Mental Defenses Psychic Link To SaphiraElf Hybrid Physiology
Enhanced Strength Enhanced Agility Enhanced Speed Enhanced Senses Enhanced Stamina Enhanced Reflexes Improved Magical Reserves
Eragon Brisingr Eldest Inheritance
“I have become what I was meant to be ”
―Eragon commenting on himself after the Agaetí Blödhren
Eragon Bromsson , later called Eragon Shadeslayer , is one of the two main protagonists of The Inheritance Cycle book series. He is a former poor farm boy who later became a Dragon Rider upon finding Saphira 's egg. He was also the son of former Morzan 's again Selena and Brom, the love interest of Queen Arya and the half-brother of Murtagh . Even though Arya and Eragon fell in love, they separated because he and Saphira were going somewhere to raise young dragons and rebuild the Dragon Rider culture.
Powers and Abilities [ ]
Human/Elf Hybrid Physiology