Other names
Single Male
Son of a Bitch
Fitz' New Friend
Metal Man
Plastic Automaton
Weird Robot
Advanced Computer
Player Three
Creepy Bald Dude DolphinSynth Robot Friend Spec of Dust In the Infinite Afterthought in the Worm-Ridden Mind of the Black Void Infinite Nothing Massive Pain in the AssCautionary Tale Good Friend Useless No Good Automaton SyntheticSuper Advanced Computer Traitor Isaiah
Distinguishing Features
Chronicom, no hair, tall, green eyes, masculine appearance & voice
Anthropologist (formerly) Hunter (undercover; formerly)
Chronicom Hunters (undercover; formerly) S.H.I.E.L.D.
Polly Hinton ,
Robin Hinton ,
Leo Fitz ,
Phil Coulson ,
Melinda May ,
Yo-Yo Rodriguez ,
Quake ,
Jemma Simmons ,
Alphonso Mackenzie ,
Phil Coulson Chronicom LMD ,
Deke Shaw ,
Lance Hunter ,
Izel ,
Samuel Voss ,
True Believers
TV Series
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Portrayed by
Joel Stoffer Jan Uddin (with Isaiah's skin)
Enoch Coltrane is a former Chronicom anthropologist, from Chronyca-2, created thirty two thousand years ago. He was mentored by Atarah, later lover, before they eventually had a falling out and grew to despise each other. He was sent to Earth in order to study and record the history of Humans.