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Ennis is a major antagonist of the first half of Season 3 of the MTV series Teen Wolf. He was a member of the Alpha Pack and the lover of his fellow pack-mate, Kali. He has a personal history with Derek Hale because he was the one who bit Derek's girlfriend, Paige Krasikeva.


Ennis used to be brutal, vindictive and quick to anger in light of his violent reaction towards his Beta's death. He lashed out at the doctor's and Sheriff Stilinski (Back when he was just a deputy at the time), making a scene when they wouldn't let him see his Beta's body. Ennis later declared war against the Werewolf Hunters despite Talia and Deucalion's warnings. He held a grudge against the hunters, especially towards Gerard, the one who had cut his Beta in half. His desperation to expand his pack was so strong, Ennis was easily manipulated by Peter into biting Derek's girlfriend Paige Krasikeva. This means that Ennis was willing to do anything to make his pack stronger, even giving the Bite to a non-consensual 16-year-old girl.

Despite his care for his pack, Ennis was secretly power-hungry, as he had no qualms about killing his Betas or his Emissary when he joined Deucalion's pick. He essentially acted as the brute of the Alpha Pack and was willing to attack Scott, Isaac, Erica and Boyd, in spite them being young teenagers. There were times when Ennis allowed his arrogance and Alpha status to cloud his judgement and lead him to underestimate his opponents while not predicting any possible danger coming his way. This was best shown when he boasted about his Alpha status over Scott during their fight in the hospital. However, he was too arrogant to see Derek sneak behind him and come to Scott and Isaac's defense.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Augmented Alpha Werewolf Physiology
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Superhuman Speed
    • Superhuman Stamina
    • Superhuman Agility
    • Superhuman Durability
    • Regenerative Healing Factor
    • Retractable Fangs and Claws: Ennis has the ability to grow his fangs and claws whenever he is in werewolf form.
    • Supernatural Eyes: Ennis' eyes would turn from his human blue eyes to his natural Alpha Werewolf eyes. He could see the Nemeton whenever it tries to hide his presence and the younger Kitsunes' aura.
    • Power Granting
    • Healing Disruption


  • Leadership
  • Intimidation


  • Mistletoe
  • Mountain Ash
  • Full Moon
  • Lunar Eclipse
  • Hot Temper
  • Electricity
  • Loud noises
  • Modified Canine Temper Virus
  • Letharia Vulpina/Wolf Lichen


Early Life[]

Much is not known about Ennis' life prior to his introduction, such as where he was born or if he is a born Werewolf or a bitten one. He either inherited his Alpha powers from a member in his family (like Laura did) or he killed an Alpha Werewolf and took their power before creating a pack of his own. He formed a close relationship with his Betas and considered them family. However, Ennis was known for his hot temper and reckless courses of action.

Hunter-Werewolf War[]

In 2003, Ennis and his pack arrived in Beacon Hills, only for one of his Betas to lose control and kill a man associated with the legendary Argent Family of supernatural Hunters. In retaliation, the sociopathic Veteran Argent Hunter Gerard Argent and his son Chris tracked the Beta down and tortured him for information by ripping out his claws. Though Chris eventually left the Beta alone, Gerard would later cut the young wolf in half behind his son's back.

Enraged by this loss, Ennis and his remaining Betas sought the advice and assistance of the packs led by Deucalion, Kali and Talia Hale. Though Kali wanted nothing to do with Ennis' fight and Deucalion insisted in finding a way that did not involve further bloodshed, Talia remarked that Ennis had the right to avenge his Beta. Furious with the lack of cooperation from Deucalion and Kali, Ennis drew a spiral in the wall of the Abandoned Distillery to symbolize his intention to get revenge on the Argents.

Some days later, he went to Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital to see his Beta's body and began threatening an orderly when the latter refused his request. He was confronted by then-Deputy Noah Stilinski, who insisted that an investigation was still being conducted and even though the victim and Ennis were close, they were not related by blood. Not wanting to risk exposing his supernatural status, Ennis begrudgingly left the hospital without causing further conflict.

Ennis was manipulated by Peter Hale, the brother of Talia, to bite and turn Paige Krasikeva, the girlfriend of his nephew and Talia's son Derek, into a Werewolf, with the promise that he would not only fill the void left by his Beta's death but would also earn his way into Talia's good graces. Though the teenage Derek tried to intervene at the last moment, he was easily overwhelmed by the more powerful Alpha, who had already bitten Paige.

Paige ultimately rejected the Bite and gave Derek her consent to kill her to end her suffering, changing his wolf eyes from a golden yellow to a cold blue for having taken a human life.

After an attempted peace summit with Gerard ended with some of his Betas getting slaughtered and him being blinded, Deucalion killed his remaining Betas and absorbed their powers, becoming an Augmented Alpha in the process and the self-proclaimed "Demon-Wolf". He decided to form and lead an Alpha Pack, with Ennis being the first to join him after murdering his Betas and Emissary and stealing their powers for himself. They were soon joined by Kali, who was implied to be Ennis' lover, and a pair of twins who could merge into a giant Alpha named Ethan and Aiden Steiner. ("Visionary")

Return to Beacon Hills[]

Prior to the group's arrival to Beacon Hills, Ennis and the rest of the Alpha Pack heard rumors that Talia' son Derek Hale had ascended as an Alpha Werewolf after killing his uncle, Peter Hale. They also heard rumors that Derek's protege and Omega Werewolf Scott McCall had the potential to be a True Alpha, the rarest type of Alpha who only appeared once every century at most, earning Deucalion's attention and he became determined to add both Derek and Scott to his ranks. Upon their arrival in Beacon Hills, they came across two of Derek's Betas, Erica Reyes and Vernon Boyd, and captured them as leverage. They also came across Derek's long-lost younger sister Cora, who had recently returned to Beacon Hills after spending the last six years in South America following the Hale House Fire. The Alphas found a lair in the abandoned First National Bank and locked the three young Betas in its vault, holding them captive for four months. Kali eventually killed Erica during the latter's attempt to fight her way out of the vault. ("Master Plan", "Tattoo", "Currents", "Lunar Eclipse")

Human sacrifices[]

At the hospital, Ennis attempted to kidnap Isaac Lahey and potentially Braeden. However, Scott McCall, one of Deucalion's coveted recruits spotted Ennis (disguised as a nurse) taking Isaac into the elevator. Aggravated, Scott went to attack Ennis; however the Alpha easily overpowered Scott and gloated his status over the young Werewolf. At the moment, Derek Hale impaled Ennis with his claws and shoved him out of the elevator, rescuing Scott and Isaac in the process. ("Tattoo")

A few days after Boyd and Cora had been freed from captivity by Derek and Scott, Deucalion, Ennis and Kali broke into Derek's loft. Ennis quickly and easily incapacitated Cora and Kali successfully defeated Derek in combat before shoving a pipe through his lower back to neutralize him. After leaving clear that they would return to kill Derek and his pack of "maladjusted teenagers" if the new Hale Alpha refused to do it himself and join the Alphas, Deucalion, Kali and Ennis left the loft together. ("Unleashed")

During a fight between the Alphas and the Hale Pack at the abandoned mall, Ennis, Kali, Ethan, and Aiden hid in sight. As Deucalion anticipated, Scott and Isaac would try to compromise, and the Hales followed suit. Ennis engaged in a battle with Cora and Boyd, eventually gaining the upper hand against the male Beta and holding him hostage. Deucalion urged Derek to kill Boyd and take his powers as a first step to becoming a part of the Alpha Pack. However, Kali laughed in mockery and disgust and commented that Derek was unworthy of joining them because he surrounded himself by useless teenagers. However, Deucalion implied that some people had more promise than others, glimpsing at Scott before turning his attention back to Derek. Luckily, Allison arrived to aid her friends against the Alpha Pack by firing flash-bang arrows in their direction. Due to the flashing lights from the arrows, the Hale Pack gained the upper hand once again. Scott engaged Ennis in combat. The equal force they sent to each other caused them to slide away from each other. Scott's eyes turned red before they returned to their common yellow color. Before the young werewolf could confront Ennis, Derek came to Scott's aid, and the two Werewolves engaged in combat. As the two struggled, they got close to the edge. Scott jumped forward to help, slashing the back of Ennis' legs. The Alpha Werewolves fell over the ledge and crashed three stories down. ("Frayed")

It turned out Ennis survived the fall and he was found by Kali and Aiden whereas Ethan went on a trip with the rest of the cross-country team. The Alphas were led by their Emissary, Marin Morrell, and took Ennis to the animal clinic, owned by Marin's brother Alan Deaton. Reluctantly, Deaton agreed when he realized the others would come after the pack and that included his surrogate son, Scott McCall. After a few hours, Deaton was successful in stabilizing Ennis and looked optimistic that he was going to survive. However, Deucalion came in and kissed both of Ennis' cheeks before flicking out his claws. After applying enough pressure, the self-proclaimed "Demon-Wolf" crushed Ennis' skull in his bare hand and told Deaton that he may have "overestimated [Ennis'] odds."


Afterward, Deucalion put his plan of getting Scott and Derek to his side into motion by pinning Ennis' death on Derek. It caused Ethan, Aiden, and Kali to grow more determined than ever to add Derek to their ranks or he and his packmates must die as penance for Ennis' death. Kali rushed out of the animal clinic and roared in anger at this loss. ("Frayed")

When Scott and the pack returned from their road trip, Kali, Ethan and Aiden wanted retaliation against Derek. She painted the Alpha Pack's symbol on his widow, warning Derek and his sister Cora that they were coming back to fight that night. Derek received the assistance of Boyd and Isaac in setting up water and electrical cables in hopes of electrocuting and possibly killing any Werewolf who stepped foot inside. Becoming aware of Derek's plan, the Twins and Kali abducted Derek's girlfriend, Jennifer Blake and cut the power so her opponents defense wouldn't work. However, Kali did not recognize Jennifer as her former Emissary due to the glamor spell masking her mauled appearance.

Cora, Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski managed to turn the power back on in hopes of giving their packmates an advantage over the Alphas. Though Isaac successfully made it to a safe zone, Derek, Kali, and Boyd were all still in the water when the power was turned back on, weakening all three. Thanks to her especially-enhanced durability, Kali recovered from the shock in a matter of seconds and furiously ordered the twins to grab Derek's clawed hands. When his claws were upwards, Kali shoved Boyd's weakened body against them, mortally wounding Boyd and causing Derek to inadvertently absorb his powers. Before leaving, Kali and the Steiner twins warned Derek that he had until the next full moon to slay the rest of his Betas and join the Alpha Pack or they would return to kill them all. ("Currents")

A few days after Boyd's death, Peter Hale told Stiles and Cora the story of how Derek's eyes became blue; Ennis bit Paige Krasikeva, Derek's girlfriend. He took her to the Nemeton and Derek was forced to mercy kill Paige when he could not take her pain away. The action caused his eyes to turn blue and for Derek to develop an enmity with Ennis. ("Visionary")

Several weeks later, Jennifer abducted Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent and Melissa McCall for the final part of her five-knot sacrifice. Deucalion successfully manipulated Scott into joining the Alpha Pack with the prospect of saving Melissa, as well as Stiles and Allison's fathers. ("The Overlooked")

Meanwhile, the remaining Alphas realized that Marin hired the girl, Braeden who rescued Isaac. They hunted her down out of suspicion of treason; however, Morrell managed to create a circle of Mountain Ash around herself to ensure the Alphas could not come near her. When confronted by her former pack, Morrell called the Alphas a group of abhorrent monsters that were disrupting the balance of nature and asked Scott to return to his friends as the Alphas did not have his mission of protecting the innocent. However, Deucalion insisted that Scott was mature enough to make his own decisions.

Disgusted by everything Deucalion had become, Marin tried to reason with Kali, Scott and the twins that they were nothing more than expendable pawns in the view of the blind Alpha that could be used to further his agenda, revealing Deucalion had been the one to take Ennis' life. Even though Deaton successfully healed Ennis, the blind Alpha murdered him without hesitation and blamed his death on Derek to give his remaining subordinates the motivation needed to recruit Derek and pave the way for Scott. While Scott, Ethan and Aiden were surprised, Kali was the only one who remained loyal to Deucalion due to his success in convincing her that Morrell was lying. However, it disgusted Ethan and Aiden to the point that they lost all respect for Deucalion and joined Scott and his pack instead. ("Alpha Pact")

Following the lunar eclipse, the deaths of Jennifer and Kali, and the disbandment of the Alpha Pack, only Deucalion and the Steiner twins remained. Scott and Derek spared Deucalion; however, they threatened to come after him if he ever returned to his violent ways. Two months later, Ennis' packmate Aiden died during the fight against the Nogitsune and the Oni, leaving Deucalion and Ethan the only surviving members of the former Alpha Pack. ("Eclipse", "The Divine Move")

Deucalion redeemed himself and became an important ally to Scott and his pack against other threats: Theo Raeken, the Beast of Gévaudan and Tamora Monroe and Gerard Argent's army. Unfortunately, he was shot and killed by some of Gerard's and Monroe's Hunters but he managed to give Scott and his packmates enough motivation to take down the Army and the Anuk-ite before succumbing to his wounds. Despite Deucalion's many sins, including his killing of Ennis, he died as "the man of vision" once described by his close friend Talia Hale rather than the power-hungry and narcissist man he used to be when leading the Alpha Pack. ("The Wolves of War")

Meanwhile, Ethan Steiner became the only surviving member of the Alpha Pack. After his brother Aiden's death, he moved to London and started a romantic relationship with Scott McCall's former rival and ally, Jackson Whittemore. He also went to Beacon Hills and wanted to warn Scott and the pack with the fear that something bad was going to happen to them. ("Werewolves of London")





  • Ennis was apparently the first to join the Alpha Pack after Deucalion created the concept of it and this became the main reason for Kali, who was implied to be in a romance with him, to kill her Betas as well in order to remain close to him.


Teen Wolf Logo

Teen Wolf: Scott Howard
Teen Wolf Too: Todd Howard

Heroes: Scott McCallAllison ArgentStiles StilinskiLydia MartinDerek HaleMalia TateKira YukimuraLiam DunbarChris ArgentAlan DeatonNoah StilinskiMelissa McCallJordan ParrishIsaac LaheyJackson WhittemoreCora HaleErica ReyesVernon BoydAlpha TwinsMason HewittCorey BryantHayden RomeroBraedenRafael McCallCoach Bobby FinstockLaura HaleTalia HaleEli HaleMarie-Jeanne Valet
Villains: Gerard ArgentKate ArgentClaudia StilinskiMatt DaehlerThe DarachThe Beast of GevaudanDeucalionTheo RaekenAraya CalaveraThe NogitsuneBerserkersViolet and GarrettDread DoctorsGhost RidersTamora MonroeWerewolf HuntersThe Anuk-IteKai
17th Century France: Marie-Jeanne ValetHenri Argent

Beacon Hills (Beacon Hills High SchoolMcCall HouseArgent HouseArgent Apartment • Memorial Hospital • Hale House • Hale Loft • First National Bank • Beacon Hills Animal Clinic • Beacon Hills Preserve) • Eichen House • the Nemeton
Groups and Creatures
Families: McCallsStilinskisArgentsMartinsHales

Groups: McCall Pack, Hale PackMcCall PackSatomi's Pack, Primal Pack, Beacon County Sheriff's StationBeacon Hills Cyclones, Alpha Pack, Supernatural Hunters (Monroe's Army, Argent Family), Wild Hunt
Creatures: WerewolvesWerecoyotesWerejaguars • The OniThe NogitsuneKitsuneWendigoes • The Beast Of GévaudanAnuk-IteThe BerserkersChimerasSkinwalkersDruidsKanimaThe DarachGhost RidersBansheesHellhoundsLöwenmensch

The Nemeton, Marie-Jeanne's Pike, Argent Bestiary, Belasco's Talons, Talia Hale's Claws, Lethearia vulpina, Modified Mercury, Mountain Ash, Shugendo Scroll, Stiles' Jeep, The Dread Doctors (novel), Triskelion Medallion, Triskelion Urn, Scott McCall's Motorcycles, Derek Hale's Cars, Dread Doctor GogglesDread Doctor MaskDread Doctors' green serumMistletoeWolfsbane, Reishi Mushrooms, Silver
Scott and AllisonStiles and LydiaChris and MelissaScott and KiraScott and MaliaMalia and StilesScott and LydiaAllison and StilesScott and StilesLydia and AllisonScott and DerekDerek and LydiaAllison and DerekScott and MelissaNoah and StilesChris and AllisonMelissa and NoahMalia and LydiaScott and LiamStiles and LiamScott and Alan DeatonScott and DeucalionJackson and EthanLydia and JacksonJackson and ScottStiles and JacksonKate and AllisonKate and DerekScott and ChrisChris and Malia, Lydia and Noah, Noah and Scott, Derek and ChrisChris and GerardKate and ChrisChris and VictoriaChris and LydiaDerek and MaliaDerek and PeterPeter and ScottKira and MaliaLydia and Kira, Lydia and Natalie , Scott and Isaac, Isaac/Allison, Chris and Isaac, Jackson and Derek, Jackson and Allison, Stiles and Derek, Scott and Gerard, Peter and Kate, Stiles and Melissa, Peter and Stiles, Stiles Stilinski and Kira Yukimura , Liam Dunbar and Mason Hewitt, Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken, Theo, Stiles and Scott, Liam and Kira, Mason and Corey, Mason and Scott, Lydia and Liam, Allison and Kira, Liam Dunbar, Liam and Hayden